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Why Women Should Lift Weights

Why Women Should Lift Weights

By Heather Hall

I love lifting weights. My strength and confidence grow every time I am under that barbell. There is no other feeling that compares to when I witness my body accomplish the unthinkable. When I am standing there, my adrenaline and endorphins are pumping, and everything in my life becomes so clear, so simple. Time slows down for an hour with just me and the weights, and I can escape the pressures, fears, and insecurities that creep up on me when I leave the gym.

 My dad took me and my three older sisters to Cross-Fit when I was thirteen. By the time I was fifteen, I was training with an Olympic weightlifting coach (FYI “Olympic” does not mean I was joining the US Olympic team, it is a type of lifting). I love everything about lifting weights. The technique, the pain, the soreness, the exhilaration. However, during high school, I stopped for a little while, because I was tricked by societal standards of the ideal feminine form. They made me believe if I lift weights, I will embody these stereotypes that are placed upon women who do such “manly activities” (as if lifting is only “normal” for men). I was forced to abandon something I love because society ridiculed and shamed women who lift weights.

Everyone feels pressure to follow the norms and the trends of society, which change frequently over time. The standard of beauty at one point in time was being stick skinny, which meant no muscle for us ladies. But now, the trend is big butts and an hourglass shape, which means weightlifting is becoming popular among women. My argument here is: women should lift weights not just because it is trendy but because it is something that can change the way you view both your life and yourself. You put yourself in a painful and difficult position to rise from the bottom. This movement is the very definition of fighting back, standing tall, and rising from the ashes. Exercise not only strengthens your physical health, but it influences your mental health as well. They are interconnected. 

I want women to lift weights just as I do, but I want them to do so not because it’s the trend right now, but because it develops you into a strong, independent woman. You step onto the platform, and at that moment, no one can touch you. You become immersed in the present, not worried about anything besides clearing that lift. So how do you start?


First, don’t start so heavy. I witness some beginners walk over and start loading up the weights before they have their technique down. Lifting can be dangerous, especially when not using proper technique and form. So, take a step back, put down those bulky weights, and start light. Get the flow of the motions, let them become second nature to you, then you can start loading it up.  

Second, lifting is a lifestyle, a long road that has many bumps and setbacks, but it is a beautiful journey. Don’t expect that when you start lifting that the first week you are going to be some beast; it takes time and consistency. But don’t give up. You might not see results physically for years, but mentally, you will see them right away. Don’t let the idea of trying to develop this perfect body be the only reason for you to start lifting. Love your body, and because of this love, lift weights to build it stronger. Lifting develops you as a person if you let it. Don’t become engulfed in what social media tells you about lifting and body image. Instead, just remember it’s you and the weights, no one else.

Third, don’t be intimidated by other people in the gym. I know sometimes it is hard not to assume that people are judging and watching, you just zone it out, and let the weights do the talking.

The last and most important thing to note is don’t give up. I know it will be hard, but soon enough, the gym will become a second home that will heal and empower you if you let it.

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