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3 Tips to Staying Mentally Healthy While Living in College Dorms

3 Tips to Staying Mentally Healthy While Living in College Dorms

By Olivea Kupiec

As the school year starts back up, I thought it would be fitting to suggest 3 things that have helped me take care of myself while living on campus. We are getting back into the swing of going to class again, and being a college student can be very stressful and tiring. However, making time for these three tricks will help you make it through the semester!

  • Get out of your bed and get ready for the day!

I know your bed is comfortable but taking the time to get out of your bed and get ready for the day makes all the difference. Use your bed as a place strictly for sleeping. By doing this you avoid the laziness that comes along with your bed. How many times have you fallen asleep in your bed while doing your homework? I know I have. Setting a space elsewhere to do work and other tasks allows your brain to recognize that your bed is for sleep and nothing else.

In the past, when I refused to get out of my bed, I would often find myself being lazy and unproductive throughout the day. Instead, I found that when I got right out of bed in the morning and got ready for the day, I was much happier, and my motivation to do work increased. Starting your day on the right foot is crucial for a good day of classes. Getting out of bed first thing after a good night’s sleep lets you feel refreshed and ready to tackle the day.

  • Treat yourself!

Every once in awhile, it is good to let loose. Treat yourself to a special dinner, or buy yourself something nice. After some time of hard work, it’s good to reward yourself so you can continue to stay motivated. Performing a good deed for yourself boosts your happiness and is great for your well-being. When you treat yourself, it is much deeper than just fulfilling your wants. In this crazy world, treating yourself rejuvenates you. After a long day, everyone could use a little tender loving care to reset yourself for the next day.

I find this to be especially important because treating myself refreshes my mood and increases my overall happiness. The days when I need to treat myself the most are after a long day of classes, when things just don’t go my way, or when I have had one too many nights out. Treating myself just lets me get back into the swing of things and resume my normal routine.

  • Get outside!

One of my biggest tips for college students is to spend at least 30 minutes a day outside. Whether it means doing your work at a table outside, going on a walk or just lying down in the sun, be sure to get that vitamin D. Getting outside reduces blood pressure, heart rate, and cortisol levels, which means it’s a great way to manage your stress. College is inevitably stressful; I find that in my moments of greatest stress if I make the effort to set aside 30 minutes to go outside, I instantly feel calm and refreshed. Even on the coldest day in the winter, getting fresh air will help you destress and feel rejuvenated.

Get out of bed, get ready for the day, treat yourself, step outside and start the first semester off strong! 

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