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The Scientific Study Tip That Nobody Talks About

The Scientific Study Tip That Nobody Talks About

By Sarah Houle

College can be stressful in so many different dimensions. Whether the stress comes from schoolwork, social life, campus clubs, career advancement, or something else, one thing is clear - productivity is key when it comes to making time for everything. If the one thing getting you through the week is getting margaritas with your friends on Friday, you better have your paper with the 11:59pm deadline done well before 5pm that day! But, you might sit down to go write the paper and find yourself not feeling focused or creative. It’s times like these when we need to be feeling like our most productive selves in order to make the Friday margs happen. So, what do you do??

*Cue the Alpha brain waves*

That’s right, Alpha brain waves. Without getting too scientific, electrical activity is occurring in our brains at all times. The frequency of these waves dictates our ability to think in different capacities. Measured in Hertz, and ranging from the slowest (sleep state) to fastest (hyper-alert state), there are five types of waves: Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta, and Gamma. Although there are specific benefits to each type, I’ll be focusing on how the presence of Alpha waves can help college students in particular. 


As you can see, Alpha falls in the mid-range of the wave types, which means they move at a medium speed. Studies have shown that the presence of Alpha waves in the brain stimulates a state of focus and creativity, which is essential for busy college students. Some tactics for inducing Alpha waves include practicing meditation and avoiding caffeinated products; but, I personally find the easiest way to listen to Alpha brain wave frequencies is on a music streaming device. I love listening to music when I do work to block out outside noise, but often get distracted by songs that I like. I am so obsessed with this Alpha brain wave tactic because it has made me so much more productive during the time I set aside for specific assignments (I’m even listening to them as I write this). 

Not only does the wave frequency have huge benefits when it comes to schoolwork, but according to Psychology Today, studies have also shown a link to reducing depression and stress due to its mindfulness aspect. Regardless of the benefits, there are some things to keep in mind when listening to Alpha waves when trying to manifest creativity. Make sure the noise levels are not too high, especially when listening with earbuds, in order to preserve your hearing for as long as possible. Also, as a disclaimer, most people find this to be an effective strategy for maintaining a sense of focus; however, everyone has different ways of finding their focus and this might not help everyone in the same magnitude. 

Make sure to give this a try when you need to tap into your creative side! Some of my recent listens have been of these albums on Spotify:

  • Study Music: Enhanced Creativity and Focus by Alpha Brain Waves

  • Study and Focus for Deep Concentration and Enhanced Focus by Alpha Brain Waves

  • Deep Concentration and Enhanced Creativity by Alpha Brain Waves

  • Alpha Waves 8 Hz-12 Hz by Brain Waves Therapy

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