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Wellness and Lifestyle For Your Ears: Podcasts

Wellness and Lifestyle For Your Ears: Podcasts

By Ursula Vollmer

While I do enjoy my daily Spotify listens when walking to and from class, sometimes, I am in the mood for something different. Putting on a podcast is not only motivating and informative but also a way to feel as if you are on the phone with a close friend. During my senior year of high school, I found podcasts as a wonderful way to destress, gather a few tips, and learn more about wellness. Though it can sometimes be difficult to find a podcast that you are genuinely interested in, I’ve compiled a list of some of my favorite podcasts that I enjoy and find to be both relaxing and engaging. Taking time to fuel or destress your mind is a wonderful way to make the most of your commute to campus, walk from one class to the next, or make a treadmill workout go by faster in a new and exciting way! Happy listening :) 

  • Growing with the Flow with Nayna Florence  

    • I have been following Nayne Florence for a while now and enjoy watching, listening and seeing all her content. She is a fourth year student at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland and creates beautiful youtube videos as well as this weekly podcast. She discusses topics ranging from authenticity, stress/hustle culture, sustainability, self love, money, as well as random late night chats. Every time I listen, I always learn something new and feel as if I am one of her close friends. Definitely tune in if you're in the mood for a chill vibe!  

    • Fav Episode: Episode 25 → Welcome to the Self Love Club

  • What the F*ck Is Sea Moss? Debunking the Wild World of Wellness with Kate Glavan and Emma Roepke 

    • This is such a fun podcast in which these two millennial gals speak on all things wellness. They debunk wellness rumors, give amazing tips for girls interested in wellness, and muse about topics concerning some products that people don’t know too much information about. As two formally graduated college students, it's especially insightful to hear about how they incorporate wellness into their busy lives. Topics range from introducing supplements or alternative milks into one's diet to debunking myths regarding caffeine, seafood or why we are so tired all the time. 

    • Fav Episode: Episode 43 → Back to School Q and A 

  • Green Dreamer with Kamea Chayne 

    • This podcast is a super informative and insightful deep dive into the world of sustainability, wellness, and conversation. Host Kamea Chayne, a passionate speaker on regenerative healing through fighting for environmental injustice brings to the microphone educated speakers, teachers, researchers, dietitians, wellness experts, farmers, and more to discuss topics ranging from the green movement to food insecurity to rebuilding a collective body in times of crises. Her podcast is inspiring, informative, and incredibly well produced. A must listen if you really want to learn about a niche topic in the field of wellness or environmental activism. 

    • Fav Episode: Episode 288 → Farmer Rishi: Relearning the Language of Earth’s Embodiment 

  • Thick and Thin with Katy Bellotte

    • If you are in the mood for musings from a 20 year old in New York City full of stories then this is the podcast for you. I have been listening to Katy Bellotte’s Thick and Thin Podcast for almost two years now and each episode is full of surprises. While drifting more into the historical and fashion realm than wellness, sometimes wellness is taking a break and listening to something different. Her podcasts vary from historical narratives on powerful women such as Princess Diana or Kathrine Hepburn to topics such as first date jitters, why we lie, and the history of birthday cake. It’s the perfect podcast to bring along on an afternoon walk and enjoy the sunshine while reflecting on a fun and fresh topic. 

    • Fav Episode → The Untold History of Dating Apps (May 13)

  • The Lively Show

    • One of Apple Podcasts’ most popular podcasts, the Lively Show by Jess Lively is a journey covering all things personal growth, law of attraction, energy building and inner voice. A graduate from the University of Michigan Ross School of Business and previous entrepreneur who chose to pursue blogging and personal coaching full time, helps to bring to life what living in tune with oneself really means. I especially found her podcast to be a grounding place to listen to during times in which I was struggling or needed to be reminded of my own power. She has over 300 episodes that will get you into the zone and learn to reclaim the power of your own life. It is always a question of where I will flow next in my life after I finish listening to one of her episodes. 

    • Fav Episode → TLS #331: How to Tap Into Your Inner Sense of Peace During the Coronavirus Pandemic (March 2020: but still helpful)

  • Radio Headspace

    • This is your classic daily meditation podcast to start off the day on the right foot. Something as simple as 4-6 minutes of meditation in the morning can transform your day and set you on the path toward feeling calm and focused on whatever plans you have going on. Headspace Studios, creator of the popular meditation app, centers each episode on bringing a pocket of peace to your life. I find that plugging this in while I’m walking to class in the morning is a great way for me to check in with myself. The episode from Friday September 17th had a beautiful message of thinking back to where you were a year ago and recognizing all the amazing things you have accomplished in such a short amount of time!  

    • Fav episode: Each one is awesome! 

  • Gals on the Go

    • Lastly, one of my favorite podcasts of all time that I began listening to in 2018 when they first started is Gals on the Go Podcast. It is the perfect listen if you are in search of a podcast that feels like you are on the phone with two best friends. The co-hosts, Brooke Miccio and Danielle Carolan are two graduates from the University of Georgia living in New York City. While they are social media influencers, their content is enjoyable, fun and very entertaining. Recently they’ve been discussing everything from what it's like to live in New York City, girl talk/advice, how they make money on social media as well as the classic college advice podcast episode. As the perfect wellness break, this podcast is definitely for anybody that enjoys indulging in learning about new products or listening to advice from people in a similar age demographic! 

    • Fav episode →  How to Have a Hot Girl Summer (July 7th) *cause hot girl summer never ends*

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