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Start Your Day For You- Develop a Morning Routine!

Start Your Day For You- Develop a Morning Routine!

By Caroline Fay

The first hour of your morning has the power to set the tone for the rest of the day. Why spend your waking moments rushing to brush your hair while simultaneously eating a granola bar and scramming to finish your pressing homework? Start your day on the right foot, setting a positive foundation for the twists and turns that lie ahead. Create a morning routine! A morning routine is a grounding technique that allows you to enter the day with a greater sense of gratitude, confidence, and peace. It is through the completion of small actions-- such as journaling, drinking water, and moving-- that I set positive intentions for the day ahead.

A morning routine, no matter how simple or extensive, can be the perfect solution to gaining control over your day. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle while balancing an academic and social life can feel unachievable. As college students, our energy is pulled in each and every direction, causing us to lose focus of the things that matter most. Within this frame of mind, it can be difficult to take care of your own mental and physical wellbeing. I certainly can relate to this feeling of overwhelm. Yet, the development of my morning routine has dramatically influenced the way I perceive my busy schedule. The stresses of college life seem a little more manageable once you take care of your well-being first.

Many desire the advantages of a morning routine, yet feel intimidated by the idea of a “morning” routine. Yet, you do not have to wake up tremendously early to take small steps of self-care. Starting your day for you has positive impacts, whether you set an 8 or 11 a.m. alarm. Develop a schedule that makes you feel best, no matter what time you get out of bed. Perhaps, it would be best to call it a wake-up routine. The purpose of a morning routine is not to wake up early, but to wake up right.

The components of a morning routine can be, and often are, different for everyone. Big or small, the intentions you set within each step are the most important part of feeling fulfilled. 


My routine consists of a few meaningful actions listed here!

  • Gratitude Journal

Journaling with an emphasis on gratitude helps to create a positive attitude toward the day ahead. In my routine, I write down one non-tangible thing I am grateful for in reflection on the previous day-- for example, an experience, a friendship, a family member. Next, I write out the values I want to carry with me as I step into the busy schedule ahead. Gratitude journaling guides my mindset for the day before it begins.

  • Drink Water

As simple as it sounds, drinking a water bottle each morning is one of the best ways to wake up your body and mind. Drinking water as you wake up serves to increase hydration, brain and gut health, and boost your immune system before the day begins. This small action serves as a reminder to take care of your body throughout the day.

  • Movement

Whether it’s vigorous exercise or a simple stretch, moving your body in the morning is an energy and confidence booster. My favorite forms of movement are running, yoga, and walking outside. There is no doubt that the increase in blood flow and release of natural endorphins is sure to start your day on the right foot. 

Here are some other simple ideas to include in your morning routine! 

  • Make your bed

  • Text a friend or family member

  • Eat a healthy breakfast

  • Go outside

  • Listen to a podcast

No matter what actions shape the construction of your morning, the most fulfillment comes from doing whatever makes you feel ready and excited to take on the day. Start your day for you!

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