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Romanticizing Life

Romanticizing Life

By Maddie McClay

The first few weeks of a new semester is undoubtedly one of the most stressful and overwhelming times of the year. Sometimes it feels nearly impossible to catch a breath amidst the tedious first-week-of-school assignments, countless coffee dates to reconnect with friends, and overly detailed general body meetings hosted by your favorite campus organizations. 

In the thick of all these tasks, it's often difficult to find your footing on campus. Sometimes, it feels like there just aren't enough hours in the day to accommodate your chaotic schedule all while maintaining a positive mindset and a healthy lifestyle. This is why romanticizing your life is so important. 

While it might sound cheesy, learning to romanticize your life is a lesson that will ultimately bring you a lot of happiness and help you cope with the stress of having a busy schedule. The premise of this saying lies in the idea of finding happiness in the small things and learning to view the world through rose colored glasses. With some practice, adopting this mindset can make all the difference in your daily life. 


Remember, everyday has the potential to be a great day. It's all about the mindset in which you approach the little things in life. Here are three easy ways in which you can actively make an effort to romanticize your life at college. 

  1. Find a Coffee Shop Off-Campus to do Homework: Over the holiday weekend, I ventured down to Wayne and cemented myself in Gryphon Cafe for the afternoon. Sitting at a sunny table with a rose iced tea, I have to say I actually enjoyed reading my philosophy assignment. Sometimes a quick change of scenery and a nice caffeinated drink can make all the difference in your perspective. By putting in a little extra effort to get off campus, my afternoon was completely transformed and I felt positive about the coming week.  

  2. Take a Walk: Quite possibly the easiest task on this list, taking a walk around campus or in the surrounding neighborhoods of Villanova can actually be a very peaceful and somewhat rejuvenating experience. It's easy to get stuck in the same stagnant routine -- wake up, go to class, study, repeat. It's important to carve out time for yourself each day, and going on a quick walk can be the perfect way to switch things up. Turn on an upbeat Spotify playlist and take joy in absorbing your surroundings. 

  3. Start a Journal: Starting a journal provides you with the perfect way to either start the day on a positive note or decompress after a long day of classes. In particular, writing a list of positive affirmations or things that you are feeling especially grateful for is a wonderful way to start journaling. On the same note, counting your blessings is always a great way to stay grounded in a time of uncertainty. 

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