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Mental Health Is Not a Trend

Mental Health Is Not a Trend

By Anna Mayock

Since the Covid-19 pandemic, the number of people with some type of mental illness drastically increased. The presence of mental health topics on social media has also increased. Mental illness has become known as somewhat of a trend. People constantly criticize others and claim some are “faking” their mental health struggles or self-diagnosing to gain exposure online. This begs the question: is mental health a trend? 

My answer: No. 

The next time you question whether someone is struggling with a mental illness or is simply “jumping on the bandwagon” to be part of a new trend, I would consider rethinking. 

By referring to mental health as a trend (perhaps to raise awareness and stimulate a larger discussion around it), you add to the stigma that invalidates the personal experiences of those with mental illness. While it is important that a person does not self-diagnose or misdiagnose, it is ultimately their decision to define for themselves how they define their struggle.  Personally, I have questioned my own anxiety and depression, wondering whether I was feeling the way I was simply because it was a trend and how young adults my age are supposed to feel. However, in thinking this, I was in effect dismissing not only my own experiences, but also all the experiences of all humans who struggle on a daily basis. 

While I agree that increasing mental health advocacy and stimulating intellectual discussion is a positive aspect of our modern society, referring to it as a trend further stigmatizes the problem itself because it invalidates the millions of humans who struggle each day. 

One’s internal struggles are not anyone's business but that person’s. Yet, as a society, we choose to compare mental illness as if it were a trend. Mental health is not a trend. Let’s start a discussion and spread the word.

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