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How to Make the Most Out of This Year

How to Make the Most Out of This Year

By Fran DeNunzio

I don't know about you, but I have missed the liveliness of an in-person campus! I am grateful that we are able to have a mostly normal school year because that allows for so many fun opportunities and memorable experiences. As a senior, I am so excited for what's in store for my final year at Villanova. I know that personally, I don’t want to have any regrets during my last year as a student, and so I am actively trying to make the most out of every day. However, it can also be a little overwhelming to know that there are so many things I want to do and people I want to see within a short span of time while also continuing to balance academics, extracurriculars, and the impending search for a job. 


If you are also a senior or feel similarly in wanting to ensure a great year at school, I would like to offer some suggestions on how you can maximize your time here at Villanova so that you can enjoy everyday to the fullest and hopefully end the year with little to no regrets!

  1. Reach out to one person a week! It’s so easy to get stuck in the same routine of seeing the same people every week. Be intentional with connecting with friends you might not see frequently or people you want to get to know better. Actively try to make plans to spend time with at least one person every week so that by the end of the year, you can look back and say that you got to hang out with everyone you wanted.

  2. Make a bucket list. I have a running list of things in my head that I want to do at school and around campus. If you are like me and also have a bunch of things you want to do, instead of just thinking about wanting to do them, create a physical bucket list with them! With a bucket list, you’ll have it all written down in one place, and it will help keep you accountable with actually carrying out the things you want to do. Put it in a place where you will see it regularly, so that you are reminded of your goals and encouraged to be intentional about trying to accomplish items on your bucket list. By the end of the year, it will serve as a great reminder for all of the things that you did throughout the year!

  3. Do something fun every week! We all know how busy and stressful college can be, but it’s so important to remember to take a break and enjoy yourself every so often. Being purposeful with incorporating at least one fun activity into your week will help to break up the monotony of school life and give you something to look forward to. It can be as simple as going to get milkshakes with your roommates or even can be a bucket list item! 

  4. Be organized with your schedule. In order to make the most of your time, it’s important to be organized and plan your weeks as efficiently as you can. By staying on top of your assignments and other responsibilities, you’ll have more time to enjoy yourself. It can be easy to procrastinate when so much is going on, but by focusing on your deadlines and making a plan of action for how to meet those deadlines, you will allow yourself to have more freedom outside of those responsibilities. 

  5. Don’t overdo it. While there are a lot of things we might want to do during this school year, don’t feel like you have to say yes to every opportunity that presents itself. It’s okay to say no. It’s okay to take it easy when you just want to chill. It’s also okay to be spontaneous and do things you weren’t planning on doing. As long as you feel content with how you are spending your time, then that is what matters. 

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