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Journal Prompts for Any Occasion

Journal Prompts for Any Occasion

By Molly Mook

I used to journal about my dreams for the future or my childhood family vacations, but writing in my journal has since turned into something so much deeper for me. It’s an outlet where I can spill anything that’s on my mind, ask myself hard questions, and reflect with zero judgment from any outside source. When I feel anxious, stressed out, or even proud of myself for something, I find peace in opening my journal and dumping my thoughts onto the pages. Journaling is a simple practice, but it’s a life changing practice.

Journaling can seem like a daunting task if you’ve never done it, though. You may not even know where to start. Even if you are an avid journal writer, finding a little inspiration never hurts. I personally look up journal prompts all the time, as it is really helpful to have a starting point. 


Here is a list of journal prompts I’ve comprised that you can use, which can apply to a wide range of emotions, times, and situations:

For the morning:

  • How do I feel today?

  • What am I grateful for?

  • What would make today amazing?

Mental health check-in or random journaling:

  • A classic mind dump - This is when I write about whatever is weighing on my mind. It can be good or bad, but just write. Let it all out, and go until you have nothing else to say.

  • What is draining me right now?

  • What is making me feel my best?

  • What do I need to hear right now? 

  • What am I attracting? What am I releasing?

  • What do I love about myself? What makes me proud?

Sunday night: 

  • What are my goals for the upcoming week?

  • What are my priorities for this week? What am I going to do to be successful and productive but also keep my mental health in check?

  • Highs of the week? Lows of the week?


  • Where do I see myself in five years? 

  • How can I work toward these dreams?

In my opinion, journaling is all about doing whatever feels right. There is no right or wrong way to go about it. If any of these prompts speak to you or apply to you, take advantage of that! Use them as a base, just start writing, and see what happens. Happy journaling :)

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