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Conquering Gym Intimidation

Conquering Gym Intimidation

By Molly Mook

Whether you’ve never stepped foot in the gym or you’re a gym regular, it can be tough to always feel confident and at ease. Even as you get more comfortable in the gym, there’s also always something more to try that can push your limits—working out in a different section, trying a new machine or movement, etc. Just like anything, it takes time, practice, and intention to become comfortable with something new. 

I used to be so nervous in the gym, especially venturing into the back area of the Davis Center, which has the heavyweights and often many guys. I slowly started moving into that area halfway through my sophomore year, and now as a senior, I can say I feel completely at home there. Here are some strategies I’ve implemented as I’ve worked to overcome gym intimidation, throughout every phase of my gym journey:

- Start on a cardio machine or with a dynamic stretching warmup to ease into the gym environment and scout everything out. 

- Choose a corner, grab what you need, and do your own thing. You can stay in your own area for the entire workout. 

- I like to go into the gym with a plan so that I don’t feel lost or self-conscious. I’ll usually write my workout out on my phone before even getting to the gym. 

- Don’t be afraid to use the Internet as a resource. I’m constantly pulling up YouTube tutorials and form photos while in the gym whenever I’m trying something new or questioning myself. 

- Try to figure out the gym’s off-peak hours. This way, you’ll have more space and less people to worry about. 

- The first time I used the “scary” side of the gym, I went with 2 of my friends who are guys and frequently used that area. Do what you need to do. If being with others will make you feel more comfortable, go for it. 

- I remind myself that this gym is for everyone. I deserve to be here as much as any of the guys, and the area/machines are not reserved for anyone specific. 

- I also remind myself that people are really nice. Most of the people there do not mind that I’m there at all. When I’m struggling to figure something out, I ask someone for help, which is usually very well-received. 

- If I’m feeling self-conscious that day, I’ll wear a hoodie, big t-shirt, or sweatpants. Wear what you feel comfy in. And then, music on, tune out. 

- Last, I think about how everyone was once a beginner. Every person you see in the gym once had their own first day. 

Conquering the gym intimidation is so hard but ends up being so worth it. The confidence, strength, and experience you’ll gain is so rewarding. I’ll leave you with this quote: “Don’t miss out on something that could be great just because it could also be difficult.”

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