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The Science Behind Daily Walks and Improved Mental Health

The Science Behind Daily Walks and Improved Mental Health

By Clara Farres

Many studies have shown that walking has a positive effect on mental health and overall happiness.  If you have ever traveled abroad, more specifically many places in Europe, you may have realized that you had to walk to the majority of your destinations. In the U.S. we rarely use walking as our main mode of transportation. A common reason people in the U.S. don’t walk as often is that many find it boring and inefficient; however, time spent walking outside in nature and exploring our daily surroundings is so beneficial. Many use this time to reflect on their weeks, the good and the bad, or to appreciate the world around them. When your mind and your body work together in this way, it facilitates introspection. When looking at the psychology and neuroscience aspects of walking, the reasons behind these positive feelings are explained.

So, how exactly does walking improve brain health? Walking is a complex process that involves neuromuscular, sensory, and cognitive functions. Studies have shown that walking may help prevent cognitive decline and improve blood flow to the brain. Increased blood flow to the brain increases endorphin and neurotransmitter releases, which boost our mental health and mood. According to The Sydney Morning Herald, the act of walking itself unconsciously opens the door for people to break the rumination cycle that so often accompanies negative mental states. The resulting decrease in rumination might be due to nature itself. The experience of being in nature actually leads to decreases in a certain activity of the brain which is associated with a self-focused behavioral withdrawal linked to rumination. The flow of neurotransmitters in the brain also changes during walks, preparing the brain for a more conscious mindset. To that point, it’s been proven that reaching a conscious mindset while performing some enjoyable activity could lead to a state of “flow.” In this state, one is able to stay in the moment without stressing about anything other than the task being fulfilled in the present moment. What is better than reaching a state of flow to decompress while taking a walk around your neighborhood?

As one gradually builds endurance for walking, one might start to notice improved sleep, stress relief, increased energy, increased mental alertness, etc. Encourage yourself to walk more, and if you don’t like walking by yourself, ask a friend to join you!

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