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The Importance of Time Management

The Importance of Time Management

By Isabella Tricarico

The upcoming weeks at Villanova are typically the most difficult in terms of work. We are left with the impression that we have a ton of work on our plates but not enough time left in the semester to finish it. Our time is greatly distorted by our phones, especially in this day and age. I occasionally use my phone and don't even notice how much time has passed. Just five more minutes, I'll tell myself, but five minutes quickly become fifteen, and I suddenly feel like I am far behind on my work.

Restricting my most-used apps was useful when I went to grab my phone to utilize Tik Tok but found I had already used all of my daily minutes. Setting restrictions on your apps enables you to avoid temptation and keep your attention on your work. My primary distraction while studying is my phone. Sometimes I'd make a decision to leave my phone in my room so that I could go to my preferred study location and finish all of my work without being disturbed.

Time is crucial. To complete your assignment, you must value your time as highly as possible. Time passes more quickly than we realize, as I have already indicated, and it is at this point that I find it difficult to complete my work. The worst feeling is feeling that despite the fact you've been in Bartley for six hours, you still think you haven't accomplished anything. Planning my days has been one strategy I've used to deal with this issue. I get together with a pen and paper every Sunday night and plan out my week. These schedules are hour-specific. I can plan out when I do work, when I can take breaks for myself, and even when I can eat using these schedules. The days will pass quicker if you have a plan for the day, and you’ll be more likely to stick to a schedule that suits you.

One of my favorite things to do is cross items off my to-do list. You'll stay organized and know when to start your work if you keep a checklist of all the important exams, assignments, and meetings. Preparation is vital, and a to-do list can help you stay on top of things by reminding you when everything is due.

Time management in college is super important. The days go by so fast here and it is normal to lose track of time. However, incorporating some of these ideas into your schedule will help keep you in order when you are feeling overwhelmed. In high school, I lacked organization. Once I started being organized in college, planning my days became much simpler. This gave me a huge boost in confidence, and I hope you can use some of these skills to alleviate stress during your last stretch of school.

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