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Dealing with the Quarantine

Dealing with the Quarantine

By Catherine Livigni

All within one week after spring break, campus was shut down, classes were moved online, and students were expected to pack up and return home for at least the next month. Returning home brings a whole new set of problems while being quarantined. You see it everywhere: we need to “self-isolate” and “practice social distancing” to “flatten the curve.” It is easy to see the purpose behind it in theory, but in practice, the boredom and stress hits quickly. This is something new and scary for everyone, so it's important to remember to be patient with yourself while also making smart decisions for yourself and those around you.

The biggest suggestion for coping with being stuck at home is to maintain a structured schedule. This may be difficult considering the chaos and anxiety surrounding COVID-19, so here are a few ideas of things to do while you are being smart and staying in quarantine...

Develop a new hobby! Whether it’s painting, cooking, reorganizing your house, or becoming Tik Tok famous, everyone has an activity that they have always wanted to try out. I often catch myself saying that I have no time to do anything outside of my schedule at school, so now is the perfect time to do something new. It’s all about perspective. You could think of quarantine as way too much downtime or you could think of it as plenty of time to expand your horizons!

Catch up on work! It’s perhaps not the most exciting way to spend your time, but we do all still have classes. Finish that essay early, apply to that extra internship, and spend time working on your organization. Nothing is more productive than finishing an assignment that’s been weighing on you.

Call a friend! We’re all in this together. If you’re bored, chances are someone else in your life is too. This is a stressful time for everyone, and one phone call to a loved one can go a long way. Connecting with others is a great way to combat any loneliness we may feel. You never know just who might need a friend right now.

Meditate! This doesn’t have to mean sitting in silence with your eyes closed, but do take time each day for peace and reflection. Life is crazy right now, and most of us have never experienced something like this before. Take the time to take care of your mental well-being.

Go outside! Just because we can’t be around others, doesn’t mean you have to remain cooped up in your house forever. Studies show that fresh air and sunshine are natural disinfectants and are good for your mental health. So go for a run, take your dog on a walk, or just hang out in your yard with a book.

At the end of the day, you may feel as though you just can’t take self-quarantining anymore. When this happens, please remember that you are isolating out of precaution. Some people are self-quarantining out of necessity. This is a time when we need to lean into the humanity of the situation. Remember that this is all temporary, so please be smart, keep yourself entertained, and stay healthy!

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