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The Power of Positivity

The Power of Positivity

By Kaitlin Costarene

It can be difficult to remain positive during trying times. Sometimes, it can feel as though the world is collapsing beneath you and everything in your control is crumbling to pieces in your fingertips. Everything you’ve tried is not making any difference, and all of your efforts have gone to waste right before your eyes. And then you ask yourself, “What have I done wrong?” But it is during these difficult times that we often find the strength we need to carry on, whether that strength comes from one another or from within ourselves. 

As we all know, the world is facing a crisis as we navigate the spread of COVID-19 and search for possible solutions. With information about the virus constantly circulating our newsfeeds, it can be easy to forget all the positivity that remains in the uncharted territory we face. We should be grateful for the healthcare providers who risk their lives every day to care for those who need it. We should remember that our families, friends, and other supporters care about us deeply. We should remember all the bad will eventually pass, even though it might not seem like it in the moment. The power of positivity and appreciation can give us the strength we need to get through difficult times. 

The power of positivity is relevant to both COVID-19 and other challenges in life. We often have the power to control our individual thoughts and perspectives. Embracing optimistic thinking can help you avoid spiraling into negative thought patterns. The first step when life presents a hurdle is to make a mental list of every possible outcome. Then ask yourself, “Out of every outcome, what is the best case scenario and what is the worst case scenario?” The final step, which will help you keep a positive mindset, is to operate as if the best case scenario will take place. Right now, that means being mindful of handwashing, social distancing guidelines, and following CDC recommendations and the directives set out by your local government. Most of all, have a little faith in humanity, and have a little faith in yourself. Breathe. It will all work out.

Positive thinking is more powerful than you might think. It can help you remain grateful and calm when situations feel precarious. Positive thinking is a reminder that everything will be okay. Remember that everything in your life has turned out to be okay up until this point. Of course, we all face challenges and obstacles, and sometimes they remain with us for a very long time. However, you are still here now. Your lungs are breathing, your heart is beating. That is all we can really ask for at the end of the day. So before you allow thoughts of panic and negativity to flood your mind, remember the power of positivity and the love that exists in this beautiful world.

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