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What We Can Learn from the Election

What We Can Learn from the Election

By Hailey Cernuto

The 2020 Presidential election has been one of the most divisive, emotionally turbulent and chaotic periods of history I’ve ever lived through. Like many other Americans, I am not the most well-versed on political policies and the intricacies of our government system, though I know enough to have informed opinions. However, watching the progress of the candidates’ campaigns, the two recent debates, and the way our society is responding, I think there is a lot we can learn from the current state of American politics outside of political matters. 

First and foremost, we can learn how to listen to each other. This election has been particularly divisive, leading to tension in our interpersonal relationships, between groups and institutions, and even between the United States and other nations. In divisive situations, individuals have the tendency to shut down, close themselves off to the opinions and arguments of others, and get stuck in their own beliefs. Because we are all currently living through this time of national discord, it is especially valuable to acknowledge this tendency to close off, and actively try to keep our minds and hearts open. 

Second, we can learn a great deal about respect. When I say respect, I mean allowing others to have their share, treating them as equals, and recognizing that they have just as much value as you. Moreover, when I say we can learn about respect, I am specifically referring to the first presidential debate between President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden. The whole nation saw gross actions of blatant disrespect through President Trump’s consistent interruptions of the moderator and his competitor. The mere action of speaking over someone, rendering them voiceless and impeding their train of thought essentially implies an attitude of superiority. This action implies that this person’s time, voice, and existence matters less than your own. Seemingly small actions like this do matter, and they speak to the larger importance and impact of respect. 

Third, we can learn how to practice empathy. Similar to listening to each other, practicing empathy requires a conscious effort to recognize others. However, practicing empathy goes further. To practice empathy, one has to try to step into someone else’s shoes and recognize that their viewpoint is different from your own. We are lucky to live in a nation that is so diverse in so many ways, but we can only truly thrive in our diversity if we acknowledge our different experiences, perspectives, and challenges. Empathetic outcomes cannot always be considered or resolved through policies, bills, and laws. As individuals, we also have to actively think about others in a more personal, humane, and non-formal way. 

I think we need to critically analyze the progress of the election, the actions of candidates, and the individuals we see in our own lives so we can learn to be better to one another, and better Americans.

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