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Healthy Alternatives to Your Favorite Study Snacks

Healthy Alternatives to Your Favorite Study Snacks

By: Lauren Brady

Studying probably isn’t everyone’s favorite activity, especially when motivation hits an all time low. However, writing a paper or cramming for that huge exam doesn’t have to be so bad when you have nourishing and filling snacks readily available! Instead of reaching for high carb or sugary snacks that will eventually cause you to crash and then crave some more, here are some alternatives to your favorite sweets.


Instead of that milk chocolate candy bar...try barkTHINS Snacking Chocolate!

Any dark chocolate is healthier than its milk chocolate counterpart because it has more cocoa and less sugar. This curbs cravings and leaves you satisfied after only a few bites! This pack of barkTHINS comes in resealable bags so you can take these on the go and munch on them as needed. My favorite is the Dark Chocolate Pretzel with Sea Salt because it has the perfect amount of sweet and salty so I don’t end up reaching for other snacks.

Instead of potato chips...try roasted chickpeas!

Chips are extremely tempting when you need that quick carb fix, but their salty and light feeling in your mouth always leaves you wanting more. However, Biena’s Chickpea Snacks satisfy that need for salt and also have substantial nutritional value. Each flavor (ex: sea salt, barbeque, honey roasted) has 5-6 grams of protein per serving for only 120-130 calories!

Instead of ice cream...try Greek yogurt!

My stomach doesn’t always agree with the amount of sugar in ice cream, so I usually resort to Greek yogurt for a cold treat. I prefer Fage’s 2% Plain yogurt, but any brand or fat content works - as long as it’s plain! Yogurts will sneak in unnecessary sugar with added flavors or fruit, so it’s best to add your own version of sweetness to plain yogurt. My favorite combination is a palm-sized portion of slivered almonds with 2 tablespoons of honey to add some crunch and the perfect amount of sweetness.

Instead of candy...try fresh fruit!


My absolute weakness is the Sour Patch Watermelon candy, but the intense levels of sugar keep me satisfied for a short period of time and then put me in a “sugar hangover.” Too much sugar can in fact make people feel lethargic and can curb their appetite for healthier food. My favorite sweet fruits are pineapples, raspberries, and blueberries, and there is honestly no better feeling than biting into a cold piece of fruit on a warm day. It’s easy to portion your fruit when you go grocery shopping, and I find that a small amount of berries or pineapple is much more nourishing than a short burst of artificial watermelon flavor from candy.

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