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5 Ways to Increase Your Productivity

5 Ways to Increase Your Productivity

By: Tori Martin

It’s that time in the semester - you’re losing steam. You started the semester telling yourself this wouldn’t happen, but assignments have piled up, spring break is over, and you’re tired. Sound familiar? Yeah, me too. Here are five ways I’ve found to increase my productivity during this difficult point in the semester.

1.Meal Planning

If you live on campus and have a meal plan- lucky you! But if you don’t, and you’re required to make your own meals- definitely plan ahead. Blocking out time to cook a few meals ahead of time saves so much time in the moment when you’re rushing out the door and don’t have time to prepare a meal. It will also keep you from having to snack on unhealthy things or things that don’t make your body feel good, just because they’re quick.

2.The 45-15 Study Method


Situate yourself somewhere quiet and knock out 45 minutes of distraction-free work. Then, allow yourself a 15-minute break and walk around, have a snack, or just go on your phone. This method will help you refocus on your work, decrease frustrations, and you might even come back to your work with a new perspective after your break.

3.Create a Morning Routine You Love

Having a morning routine that you look forward to will help you get out of bed in the morning. Whether that means having a breakfast you enjoy, going for a walk around the block, creating a fun morning skincare routine, or just having a big cup of coffee, incorporate things into your daily morning routine that bring you joy. Doing these things every morning will also create a sense of stability that decreases stress.

4.Sleep Smarter

I’m guilty of being a late-night owl. However, this semester I don’t have the luxury of sleeping in every morning as I have been able to in the past. Adjusting my sleep schedule to fit these new morning commitments has not been the easiest thing, but falling asleep earlier allows me to wake up feeling refreshed and helps me stay focused throughout the day. Depriving yourself of sleep has serious impacts on your physical and mental health, and also is shown to decrease your ability to concentrate and retain information.

5.Organize Your Planner Regularly


Sitting down and planning out your week will refresh your memory on what commitments and assignments you have in the upcoming days. Knowing what lies ahead in the coming week will ease stress or uncertainty and will make you feel prepared to tackle anything that comes your way. And, if it’s an especially busy week, recognizing this beforehand will allow you to plan ahead so you don’t end up scrambling right before deadlines.

Hopefully, these tips will help you rediscover the productivity you had at the beginning of the semester. Feeling productive will decrease your overall stress levels and help you take care of your mental health. There are only 5 more weeks of school, so finish strong!

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