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Staying Healthy On Campus During Flu Season and Beyond

Staying Healthy On Campus During Flu Season and Beyond

By: Sarah Wiik

Whether it be the stomach bug, the flu, the common cold, or that one instance of the mumps, colleges are notorious for spreading germs and illnesses easily. No one wants to be sick during classes, weekends, exams, or just in general. The health center can feel like jail, but luckily for us, there are easy ways to stay healthy when everyone around you is coughing, sniffling, sneezing, and who knows what else. The main tips given by your mom, your doctor, and now me are:

Wash your hands!

Research has shown that just washing our hands can help prevent a large number of illnesses. So wash your hands with soap, especially any time you'll be touching your nose, mouth or eyes or if you've been around others who are sick.

Avoid sharing beverages


Germs are easily spread through the sharing of drinks, so get your own and get a new cup every time you need a drink.

Sleep. Miss class. Miss the party.

If you're sick, don't force yourself to go to class. It will only make you feel worse and could get other students sick, which no one wants. Email your professors that you're sick and stay in bed. Not getting enough sleep can greatly damage your immune system. There will be other parties, get healthy first.

See a doctor.

If you have symptoms that aren't showing any signs of leaving after a few days, you may need to go to the health center. It is better to get medicine, tests, and other assistance before your sickness gets worse and spreads.

Drink lots of fluids.

Illnesses deprive your body of fluids. Replenish it by drinking plenty of water or energy drinks when you're ill. The Connelly Convenience store sells waters, Powerades, ginger ale, orange juice and other beverages. You could even mix it up and get a Freshens smoothie to help hydrate you and soothe a sore throat. Tea has been found to be beneficial in helping the immune system. So, if you need caffeine, skip the coffee and grab a green tea instead.

Spend time outside.

If you’re sick, it is extremely enticing to stay in your bed all day with Netflix, but just a short walk outside will not only cheer you up, it can actually help your body. At the very least, open up your windows to let fresh air in and keep your room ventilated to stop the spread and increase of germs.

Get a flu shot.


Your mom wants you to get it, your friends want you to get it, and you should want to get it. It is not a time commitment, and it doesn’t actually hurt that much. Villanova usually has a flu shot clinic in the beginning of the year, the CVS Minute Clinic gives flu shots, and your doctor will do it for you too! Make time.

Keep it clean.

Living in dorms means you’re constantly in close contact with friends and classmates, sharing some unhealthy germs. If the person who is sick is your immediate roommate, make sure you keep the room ventilates, and make sure to wipe down communal surfaces with Clorox wipes.

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