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When you can’t find the sunshine, be the sunshine

When you can’t find the sunshine, be the sunshine

By Ava LaSasso

The title of this article is one of my favorite quotes. I saw it on a greeting card during my junior year of high school and thought that it was a great reminder to keep with me. I just didn’t yet know the impact that this simple phrase would have on my life in college. 

Through this quote, I began to understand the importance of not letting the things happening around me or others determine my own happiness and inner peace. But it’s definitely easier said than done. It is definitely a process, and sometimes a struggle, but finding control of your own happiness is key to thriving in your environment. On this continuous journey I have discovered several things that have helped me along the way.

The first step is to become okay with being alone. This is hard when it feels like everyone around you has a full social calendar but taking time to be alone and recharge is just as important. Whether you're working out, having a self-care night, going for a walk, or journaling, this time to yourself can be so valuable. 

Going for sunset walks by myself has become one of my favorite things to do. I’ll put on some music and walk around campus for anywhere from five minutes to a whole hour. I try to put the stress of the day behind me and just take time to appreciate the beautiful sky and campus around me. This is one of the ways I find my sunshine, both literally and figuratively. Natural light not only improves your mental health through boosting serotonin levels, it also boosts vitamin D which is essential to good physical health. Spending time outdoors and in sunlight is important especially as we get into the winter months and there are fewer hours of sunlight in the day.

It is vital to surround yourself with people who build you up, friends who truly care about you and support you. Finding friends can be challenging, joining a club that you're passionate about or an intramural team is a great place to start. Most importantly don’t let your own happiness be defined by others. I have learned that happiness is different for everyone and that is ok. It can be hard not to compare yourself to others but that is why embracing your own happiness is so vital. Make time for the things that make YOU happy.

I hope that this quote and these ways of thinking about happiness can help you just as it has helped me grow over the past couple of years. Be the sunshine!

The Villanova Office of Health Promotion and a Holistic Look at Health 

The Villanova Office of Health Promotion and a Holistic Look at Health 

Consuming Caffeine: How to Use it for Good

Consuming Caffeine: How to Use it for Good