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The Power in Power Napping

The Power in Power Napping

By Megan Hudson

Sometimes, the most productive way to spend your time is to do absolutely nothing at all. 

For years, I refused to take naps. In fact, it wasn’t until coming to Villanova that I decided to try to implement a midday nap. Completely overwhelmed by my nonstop college schedule and without a clue how to balance rest and schoolwork, I was willing to try anything to rediscover a more consistent, stable work schedule. I drank coffee, avoided the dorm altogether, did work with friends, and pulled all-nighters trying in a desperate attempt to keep up with coursework. During the first few weeks of classes, I was completely exhausted regardless of my various attempts to remain productive. I never considered simply taking a break as a realistic route to higher productivity levels.

The problem was that I truly believed rest was equated to laziness. I believe that this link between rest and unproductivity is a misconception that many of us hold, oftentimes unconsciously. It wasn’t until I scheduled naps into my days as a means to recharge that I realized allowing myself a break from the “grind” was by no means a form of laziness; daily naps boosted my mood level and productivity increased.

After much trial and error and a bit of research on my own, I have cracked the code to the perfect power nap. A 20-30 minute nap is all it takes for the perfect reset- in fact, Harvard Medical School reported in 2009 that “a midday nap is more effective than sleeping more at night, and even caffeine at getting past that mid-afternoon feeling of drowsiness.” If you find yourself constantly lacking rest, intentionally planning naps into the day could be a game changer for your productivity.

It is extremely important that we change our mindsets around rest and napping. We deserve to rest our bodies when we feel out of focus, unproductive or exhausted. Napping is not an unproductive way to regain focus and clarity- it is actually proven to increase productivity and mood levels when done in moderation. Napping is a form of self-care when practiced with intention.

Changing my mindset around a midday rest has completely altered the way I view taking care of myself. I no longer feel guilty when I rest my body- in fact, I prioritize it. Life is all about finding balance, and rest is a crucial part of it.

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