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The Reason For the Season

The Reason For the Season

By Olivea Kupiec

With the holidays just around the corner I think it is important we remember why holidays like Christmas and Thanksgiving are really celebrated. This time of the year can get very chaotic. Between shopping for gifts for family members or traveling home, it is easy to get caught up in the chaos and forget the importance of the seasons. 

When I was little, I thought the best part of the holiday season was Santa coming and bringing us gifts. As I have gotten older, I have realized that it is much more than just getting gifts. It is also about giving gifts, and spending time with those you love. Over the past few years, my family and I have started a new tradition. We found an organization which packages groceries with holiday meals for families who are less fortunate. This has easily become one of my favorite traditions. It helps me remember how lucky I am to have a family and a meal on the table. I encourage everyone to find something like this, and create a tradition with your friends and family. Even something as simple as writing a note to a homeless person can go a long way. While it’s easy to get caught up in shopping for gifts for others, it is important that we are looking out for those less fortunate. 

Thanksgiving is oftentimes a really hard time of the year. We are forced to think about the loved ones we have lost, but it is especially nice to think of what we do have. Many people don't have friends or family that they get to spend time with during this special day. I think it is important that we look out for those individuals and give them extra love. To many people, Thanksgiving is a day to stuff yourself with ham, turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, or just about anything else. But it is also important to look out for those less fortunate, or even those who don't have much to celebrate. 

Sometimes, everyone, myself included, forget that not everyone celebrates the same holidays! Don’t forget there are other religions and traditions that not just you celebrate. It is important to consider others beliefs and respect their traditions as well. 

That being said, I hope everyone has a great holiday season whatever that means for you!

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