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The Balancing Act of College

The Balancing Act of College

By Anna Schell

College has been one of the best experiences of my life; I have great friends, take interesting classes, and I love my newfound sense of independence. At the same time, college challenges me in ways I never was challenged before.

 The difficulty of living on my own while being a thousand miles from home is one I believe many students relate to. In the midst of the chaos that college life inevitably brings, it often feels impossible to succeed in school, maintain a healthy lifestyle, prioritize relationships, find time for fun, all while also getting enough sleep. It feels like the familiar game of tug of war that’s impossible to win; you get pulled one way and invest all your energy into one area leaving you too depleted and exhausted to pour time into the other areas. Like a constant ebb and flow, one day you are pulled one direction, and the next day, the opposite. In this unstable, ever changing whirlwind, I am learning that the most powerful tool to keep me grounded is balance. 

Although seemingly simple, I am learning that finding balance is incredibly difficult. However challenging it may be, I strive to work towards a balanced life on a daily basis to improve my mental health and create the best, most fulfilling quality of life for myself. I am nowhere near perfect, but I have found a few things that work well for me. (It’s also important to note what may work well for me may not work for others, and that is also okay! This is a trial and error process that is different for everyone.) 

What I have found to work well for me is to take life one day at a time. I have all my due dates, events, appointments, etc. written out in my calendar for the week, and keep that in the back of my mind, but I try to keep each day and its tasks at the forefront. I naturally tend to think 10 steps ahead, which is not necessarily bad, and in fact it can be a useful tool. However, I found myself getting anxious and stressed about something a week away, rather than present in the moment. Growing up, when I was overwhelmed with the day, my mom always said to “do the next best thing.” I try to remind myself of this truth as I go about my day. Oftentimes, “the next best thing” is putting yourself first: moving your body, eating a balanced meal, or simply going to bed. 

Another key tool that works well for me is prioritizing. I have learned that I most certainly cannot do it all, and it’s essential for me to surround myself with people who fill me up, extracurriculars that are rewarding, and activities that benefit my mental and physical health. Instead of wearing myself out trying to be the best in all aspects of life, I’m learning to shift my mindset to align with the idea that success is all relative, and that I personally am my best self when I focus my energy on what is most important to me. 

Overall, finding balance is more complex than it looks; it’s a steep learning curve, and it’s important to show yourself grace. The road to a rewarding, fulfilling life is absolutely possible for everyone, so don’t be afraid to start making small changes to find your balance.

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