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Create A Comfortable Dorm Environment: Your Sleep Will Thank You

Create A Comfortable Dorm Environment: Your Sleep Will Thank You

By Isabella Tricarico

College can be stressful, especially with an intense work-load and a far distance from home. I remember feeling uncomfortable in my dorm room during my freshman year. Yet, I spent a lot of time in my room doing homework, working on time management skills, and coping with homesickness. Since you spend so much time in your dorm room, having a comfortable space where you feel at home is essential, and it will lead to a better night's rest. There is no better feeling than waking up in the morning feeling well rested. Whenever I get a good night’s rest, I feel much better starting my day; I feel energized and in a happy mood. Feeling happy in the morning will also help you be more productive throughout the day. 

Here are a few things that made my dorm cozy and helped me sleep: 

  • Hang pictures of your friends and family on your walls

  • Make your bed super cozy, so you get that rewarding feeling after doing work all-day

  • Bring your favorite blanket from home

  • If you have a pet that you miss, bring a picture

  • Hang lights around the room to have a calming dim light at night 

  • Bring your favorite pillow from home

  • Have a fan so that can stay cool

  • For holidays, bring air fresheners that remind you of the holiday season

  • Bring holiday decorations 

  • Meditation before bed

  • Journaling before bed

These small adjustments helped me feel comfortable in my dorm room, but it is important that you do what makes you feel the most “at home” in your space. This year, I started decorating my room for the Halloween season. Walking in after a long day and smelling my pumpkin air freshener reminds me of walking into my kitchen at home. I love the holidays, and I get homesick without the small traditions I grew up with such as putting up Christmas lights. To cope with this, I started decorating my room with lights and small Christmas decor. After class, I was excited to go home, lay in bed with my lights on, and listen to Christmas music. 

Not being able to sleep is frustrating, especially when you have a test the next day or that week. Meditation and journaling also helped me clear my mind before going to bed and start a new day on a fresh note. Going to bed clear-headed and content with how your day went will help you sleep better. To reflect positively each night, I write down events that brought me joy that day in my journal.

Making small adjustments to my room helped me feel comfortable and happy in my room. After doing work all day, it is a nice feeling to come back to your room and feel like you are actually going home. Little tricks like this will help you become more comfortable in your space and sleep well each night.

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