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The Aftermath of Fall Break: Pushing Through to Thanksgiving

The Aftermath of Fall Break: Pushing Through to Thanksgiving

By Ursula Vollmer

Coming back to school after a relaxing week at home can come as a shock. Going from the relaxing mornings of sleeping in and cooking homemade breakfast to rushing to 8:30 classes across campus is most definitely jarring for both the mind and body. Taking a break is necessary for us, especially as students, and it gives ourselves the space to take time to relax and focus on resetting before the rest of school life continues. Whether you went on long walks with family, cooked a new dish (preferably pumpkin flavored), finished a book, or binged a new show on Netflix, I hope fall break was a reminder of how important it is to prioritize your own wellbeing. Taking those quiet moments to care for yourself is not only beneficial for long term wellbeing but a time to recognize the things that make you feel good. Coming off of fall break is the perfect time to check in with how you want to continue with the rest of the semester until the next break. 

As we find ourselves crossing over into the second half of the semester, one may feel refreshed and ready or dread the amount of work and limited time that is creeping up before Thanksgiving break and finals. However, taking the time to stay ahead of the game and plan accordingly will ensure that this time will be one of limited stress and joyous anticipation in getting to reunite with family to celebrate the holidays and accomplishments. Take the time to reflect on the break that is this week and go forth with an open mind into the next part of the semester. Here are some tips for how to have the best start and push through! 

  1. Look Ahead at Your Calendar 

    1. This may be obvious, but checking in with where you are in terms of assignments for each class is essential for starting off on the right foot. Make sure you know when that next test or paper is due, planning out study sessions or appointments to meet with professors. Make sure that there isn’t anything you are missing so that nothing will creep up on you and cause unnecessary stress. In addition, plan out those social plans so you know to keep yourself aware of everything that is going on. 

  2. Use All the Light in the Day 

    1. Especially as we enter the fall and winter months, it can be incredibly easy to want to stay in bed later and enjoy the comforts of our bed. However, this can lead to the days slipping by right before our fingers. Don’t push yourself too much, but setting a routine and being productive during the hours of the day when the sun is out will keep you motivated. Set time to get outside everyday and do work when it's light outside so you can spend the early darker nights relaxing. 

  3. Change Anything that isn’t Working 

    1. Maybe before fall break you were leaving all your English work to do at night but found yourself never grasping the material. That is okay. Taking the time after fall break to change parts of your routine is completely valid. In this season of change, tweaking study habits or small goals to better fit where you are can be a great way to head into the rest of the semester with a positive attitude. Try getting up earlier if sleeping in proved unproductive or getting your workout done in the morning to leave room for studying after class. This is the perfect time to refine your daily schedule to fit what you need and want. 

  4. Be Kind to Yourself 

    1. Even when you are accomplishing goal after goal in the upcoming weeks, it is important to still practice grace and balance. Maybe you couldn’t meet that person for lunch cause you were studying, or you took the night off from doing work so that you could call your grandma. The choices you make are important and the way you speak to yourself is even more important. Recognizing you are not a superhuman and can’t do everything is the first step towards staying in a positive headspace. 

  5. Do One Thing You Want to Do Everyday

    1. This is pretty self explanatory but through all the things you are doing for other people, do one thing for yourself that you want to do while at school everyday. Treat yourself to that overpriced sweetgreen bowl, spend time listening to music or podcasts, or do a workout class you love. Allowing a time for little breaks through the studying, classes and activities will ensure that burnout does not happen. These little breaks will allow you to get after the next task on the to do list with a more refreshed attitude. 

It may be difficult, but the next few weeks are going to be a time for making things count and making great memories. We got this, and congrats on making it past the halfway point in the semester!

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