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Coffee on Campus: Understanding its Impacts

Coffee on Campus: Understanding its Impacts

By Caroline Fay

Every Villanovan lives a unique school experience. Whether you start your day in chemistry lab or business statistics, at the gym or in the library, one constant in our routines unites us: coffee! Students always find the time in their busy schedules to run to the nearest Holy Grounds. Many sacrifice extra minutes of sleep, or risk being late to class, for a cold brew with oat milk. Other’s make coffee with a Keurig stored on their desk, splashing stains on their textbooks each morning. Our campus, and students, would not be the same without coffee.

This generational reliance on coffee is seen throughout college campuses around the nation. Are students today dependent on caffeine from the increase in pressure on schoolwork and campus involvement? Or, perhaps the variety of flavors and types of coffee have developed the addiction. Either way, the line for Holy Grounds is not getting any shorter each morning in between classes. As a member of this coffee-crazed generation, I think it is important to recognize the effects that it has on our health. 

Drinking a moderate amount of coffee each day can impact the body in different ways. Here are some of the ways in which the body responds:

  • Boost in metabolism

Coffee is a leading source of caffeine in the human diet. The energy felt after drinking coffee is evidence of the body’s increase in normal metabolic function rates, or a faster completion of the life processes.

  • Fight inflammation

Inflammation is the body’s response to fight off infection and harm. Coffee is a powerful source of over thousands of antioxidants, helping to reduce inflammation and therefore protect cells from damage. An increase in antioxidants decreases one’s risk of many illnesses.

  • Potential links to decreased risk of type II diabetes and coronary heart disease

Recent studies have shown that there may be an association between drinking coffee and a decreased risk of type II diabetes and coronary heart disease. Though, the theories recognize that the large amounts of sugar and calories in popularized coffee beverages may overrule the health benefits.


There is also a connection between coffee and brain function. The mind is impacted in various ways:

  • Alertness

One of coffee’s most notable benefits is its ability to increase one’s alertness. It acts as a stimulant in the brain. This feature is crucial for those of us with 8 ams, as coffee increases attention and concentration.

  • Short term memory

Studies have found a connection between the consumption of coffee and the ability to recall short term memories. The correlation may be associated with an increase in attention when learning after the consumption of coffee.

  • Anxiousness

The consumption of too much coffee has been linked to feelings of increased anxiety. The increase in heart rate can be linked to irritability and nervousness. An abundance of caffeine can activate the sympathetic nervous system, causing feelings of panic within the “fight or flight” response.

As a campus energizer, the impact of coffee consumption on our health is important to recognize. The next time you are on line for Holy Grounds, share a benefit with the people around you! :)

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