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Shifting Your Mindset from “I Have to Do It” to “I Get to Do It”

Shifting Your Mindset from “I Have to Do It” to “I Get to Do It”

By  Emma Sandora

Our lives are busy. At this point in the semester, it is likely that our days are full of classes, meetings, assignments, studying, responsibilities, and requirements. It is easy to get caught up in wondering what we could be doing with our time. We feel stuck in the mindset that we have to do things. There is so much pressure to keep up, which makes us lose focus on everything we have the opportunity to do.

When you take a step back, there is so much more to just filling requirements in our everyday lives. In fact, everything is an opportunity, everything is a learning experience, and living is a gift. Imagine how much more meaningful life becomes when you have a mindset that focuses on “I get to do it” rather than “I have to do it.”

Having a positive attitude is the new emphasis today, and although it is important, it is almost more effective to have a positive mindset. The difference between the two is that the mindset is something always in use; it involves wiring your brain to react to situations in a certain way. When responsibility begins piling up, having an opportunistic mindset immediately recognizes the benefits of experience and inspires gratitude.  

Most people do not naturally have a positive mindset, but anyone and everyone can learn to shift their mindset. Now, I am in no way saying this is an easy shift or the answer to all of life’s obstacles. It is not a switch that can flip on and off, and experiencing a full-range of human emotions is important. However, though it takes time to teach yourself how to develop a positive mindset, you may reap the benefits for the rest of your life.

We are faced with challenges every day. We are students, sons and daughters, friends, or athletes. These titles come with all sorts of obstacles and responsibilities. In my experience as a member of the cheerleading team at Villanova, I vividly remember a week last year when I felt I couldn’t add one more thing to my schedule without having to give something else up. Our media day got scheduled on the worst possible day for me, as I had two tests the next day. However, with time, I am now able to look back and realize that I was able to take two tests that further my education at a great university. I got to spend the day before with my best friends, being a member of a team I always dreamed of being on.

At Villanova, adopting a positive mindset can help to better your daily experiences and open your eyes to everything we have the opportunity to do. 

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