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Finding your Routine After School Breaks

Finding your Routine After School Breaks

By  Caroline Patafio

Going on break during the semester is always exciting. Whether it be travel plans, catching up with friends and family, or even just having a lighter workload, it is a great way to destress. However, no matter how relaxing a break is, coming back to school is an adjustment. Change can be unsettling, but I’ve found that having a routine helps me get back into the swing of things after a long break from school.

One way I try to get back into a routine is by making a list of meals for the week. This keeps me organized when I go grocery shopping, and it gives structure to the times I eat during the day (I also love to cook and having meals to look forward to the week is exciting). After this, I make sure to go over my calendar to figure out what I have going on that week, such as events, exams, or assignments. This helps me transition back into a school mindset, but it also gives me an organized and manageable view of what my workload is for the week. The next thing I do is try and move my body. Usually, this is the part I struggle with most because after traveling, I just want to put on a good movie. To get myself out of this rut, I find that going to the gym with a friend or booking an exercise class keeps me more motivated. The last thing I try to do is go to bed a little earlier the first night back and wake up early the following day. I find that waking up earlier at the start of the week helps me mentally prepare for classes and work. 

Beyond these small habits, I think one of the best things to do is make lists. Lists for things you want to accomplish, errands you need to run, and even just reminders to take a breath. Having the things you need to do written down can help visualize what you have planned for the week and have a general idea of how your days will look beforehand. Although change affects everyone differently, I truly do believe that developing a routine helps you adjust back into a “normal” life. 

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The Power of Yoga

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