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Reacclimating to a Post-COVID World

Reacclimating to a Post-COVID World

By Erin Glassmacher

Over the past year and a half, we have all gone through a difficult experience that challenged our mental strength and wellness. For college students, COVID-19 changed the way we went about our everyday lives; spring and summer of 2020 were spent in a strict lockdown, and the return to school in fall of the same year was unlike anything we have ever experienced. As a result of the pandemic, the CDC has found that double the amount of people in the US are experiencing symptoms of anxiety and depression. Now, as vaccine rates increase and governments decrease restrictions, it seems as though we are returning to a post-COVID world, one in which we must return to a normal routine. This transition to normalcy is stressful for many people, especially students. If you are someone who has experienced new or increased anxiety or depression due to COVID or a return to normal life, know you are not alone.

As we enter this new stage of the pandemic—a stage where we are inching back to “normal” life—acknowledge the hardships you have faced and the impact they had on your life. Let’s admit it. The last two years were absolutely distressing. A deadly virus, a mask mandate, widespread news coverage, not being able to see our loved ones, a far from normal college experience. All of these can take a massive toll on our mental health. Your needs may look different than they were pre-COVID and that is okay.  


Taking care of yourself during this time is important. If you are struggling to reacclimate, there are many things you can do to take the steps towards healing. First, talking to someone is a great solution. Villanova offers one-on-one counseling in the Counseling Center, a great resource if you just need to let anything out to a neutral source! They can work with you to meet your needs during this time. Additionally, taking steps towards self-care is valuable as we transition back into normalcy. Making time for exercise, healthy meals, skincare, etc. will help you relax and your body will thank you. Lastly, making the time to socialize with your peers and friends is crucial as well. We have missed a year and a half of spending time with others, so reintroducing that vital aspect of your life will also help you to heal.

You are doing amazing navigating this challenging period of your life. Take it slow and use the resources to help you be the greatest version of yourself. Most importantly, know you are not alone, and your feelings are valid. We will get through this together!

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