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Prioritize you: The Importance of Saying No

Prioritize you: The Importance of Saying No

By Mia Clingham

College campuses have become a breeding ground for overachievers. Students take on pre-med schedules paired with part-time jobs, internships, endless extracurricular involvements, and more. But while we are pressured to extend ourselves to satisfy every commitment, we have lost sight of the ones that matter most. More than ever, it has become important to prioritize yourself rather than building your resume. That overly simplistic example has become all too real for me this past year as I saw myself engage in more and more organizations only to see my happiness decline at the extent of all my involvements. I learned through personal experience that no class, club, or relationship should ever get in the way of the things that actually bring you joy. And as simple as it seems, it starts with a simple no. I was the type of girl to never cancel plans, make every extra help session even if I understood the material, and aim to stay up editing essays for friends even if it meant the next day was spent sleep deprived. But at the extent of this desire to feel like I could take on the world, I felt trapped under the weight of my commitments. 

I realized that I could not continue trying to please all my peers, professors, and potential employers without coming close to burnout; increased involvement would not correlate to increased levels of happiness. I sought after a new approach: one that put myself first. Stressful weeks slowly became more bearable as I focused on things I enjoyed: dancing, going for walks just before sunset, completing assignments with friends, napping, and grabbing some zilly fries. None of my activities were dropped, nor did my grades suffer, but a missed club meeting here and there no longer made me feel lazy. Instead, I was rejuvenated and a little time for myself made me even more excited to continue on with my day. If you are like me, know it is ok to say no. 

Putting an emphasis on self-care rather than stress has manifested in a number of ways for me, whether it be treating myself to that long-awaited nap, walking to Hope’s and enjoying a warm chocolate chip cookie, or joining my friends for a spicy tuna roll at Azie. Prioritizing my happiness has kept me grounded and allowed for greater productivity in each activity I take on. Put yourself first above your commitments - you deserve it. 

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