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New Beginnings as a Transfer Student

New Beginnings as a Transfer Student

By Meaghan Falconer 

New beginnings offer excitement. They offer the opportunity for change and growth. However, new beginnings also often come with the conclusion of what you know best, and what feels most comfortable. Change from new beginnings can bring anxiety and apprehension as you distance yourself from the familiarity of where and who you were before. You can rejoice in a new opportunity and still be apprehensive for the future, a balance I knew well as a transfer student to Villanova. 

I am a sophomore transfer student, and this is my first semester on campus. I felt immense anxiety over not only starting over in a new school, but also entering when many people have established friend groups and relationships. Coupled with feeling like a freshman all over again, it was initially an unsettling and uncomfortable feeling. Adapting to a new campus and culture take time. The transfer period to feeling comfortable in your status as a Villanova student is one that does not have to be riddled with doubt and discomfort. New beginnings are exciting and more importantly they are a time for you to grow exponentially. During my few short weeks here at Villanova I have learned many invaluable lessons about myself and life.

Embracing new beginnings starts with believing in yourself. Change is often scary and unnerving; it is vital to believe in your ability to thrive in the new situation you are placing yourself in. It is important to believe that not only can you survive, but you can thrive in your new situation despite how difficult it may seem. Times of struggle ebb and flow with times when you feel content and happy. Remembering that the hardships will pass and the good will come is a calming reminder. It is important to remember that changes often bring trials, and it is okay to struggle. Some practices I’ve adopted to combat these feelings of despair are writing little reminders to myself and repeating certain mantras. I always remind myself “yes you can” when I feel feelings of self doubt creeping in. When I feel overwhelmed, I always repeat, “minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day”. These little phrases give me confidence in myself and my ability to succeed. 

During my short time at Villanova, I have deeply felt the importance of giving yourself grace. Times of change are hard. Putting yourself in a foreign, often uncomfortable situation is often stressful and exhausting. It is easy to become overwhelmed at the task. Establishing yourself in a new school and attempting to balance academics and a social life is not easy. It is important to remind yourself of how well you are doing. It is brave and vulnerable to transfer to a new school. Give yourself the necessary time and space to become comfortable. Letting go of unrealistic expectations of yourself and bringing awareness to how truly amazing you are doing will allow you to better find peace in your adjustment.

Building the life you want by changing paths and transferring schools is empowering. Saying yes to invites and events can bring unexpected opportunities. The power and possibilities that come from saying yes should be exciting. It is so easy to decline an invite and revert to what feels comfortable. New settings and unfamiliar places bring anxiety which easily manifests into saying no. But saying yes is so empowering. Saying yes to every and any opportunity that arises is so vital. Going into new situations, it is better to have done it and decided you did not like it than to not have done it at all. Saying yes allows for the opportunities to find the people, groups, and clubs that do work for you. I have done so much in these past four weeks and met so many people because of saying yes and being open minded to new situations.

Transferring is not something to be ashamed of or hide. Do not be afraid to put yourself into new situations, do not feel intimidated by not knowing everything. Though it can often be uncomfortable or awkward, it is important to put yourself out there. Do not be intimidated to speak to someone in your class, or ask for help. I proudly admit that I am new; I have found that everyone is so welcoming and helpful. When I tell people I am a transfer student, they always say that they hope I am having a great time, and I am elated to say I am having a great time despite hardships. There are days when I feel insecure as a transfer, and there are moments when I feel out of place or overwhelmed. I remind myself that I am capable, and I belong. Villanova already feels like home in the short few weeks I have been here, and I am actively working to make it feel that way. Transferring is a courageous move, and putting yourself in a position where everything is unfamiliar and new is daunting yet so rewarding. 

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