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 How to Set a Morning Routine (that sticks!)

How to Set a Morning Routine (that sticks!)

By Olivia Pinto

With the bustle of the new school year, early classes, and getting into the swing of the new semester, students are dealing with a lot. It can be overwhelming and daunting to set expectations for a routine. Balancing homework, tests, clubs, and social lives, while still trying to take time for yourself is often a struggle. Mornings set the tone for the rest of the day, and it is too easy to wake up on the wrong side of the bed. Mornings are especially a struggle when we all fall into the temptation of hitting snooze one too many times. Creating small, achievable goals for your morning routine can help to create a realistic morning routine that actually sticks. 

The idea of a morning routine may feel out of reach for a college student, but spending those extra few minutes towards yourself in the morning can help you control your schedule, without it controlling you. A realistic morning routine can lower stress levels, boost energy, increase productivity, and set the tone for the rest of your day. 

The main idea to keep in mind when establishing a routine is to not bite off more than you can chew. You may try to achieve a long list of to-dos before your day start – this creates an “all or nothing” mindset and does not encourage lasting habits. You do not have to wake up at 6 am or cook an extravagant breakfast to feel productive. Instead, it is beneficial to start with three practical goals before you head off to class. The first, and most important, should be carving out some time to nourish your body for the day ahead. Food is fuel, and it is an important start to your day with a satisfying meal to avoid that afternoon crash. Most mornings, I don’t have time to spend 30+ minutes cooking. Instead, I spend a few minutes the night before prepping overnight oats or making a greek yogurt bowl. This little extra step saves me valuable minutes in the morning. Also, hydration is equally as important to start your day. Whether it is getting in a glass or two of water or filling up your water bottle for the day, this intentional step can help hydrate your body all day. 

Next, I make sure to incorporate an organizational element into my morning routine. This starts with little things such as making my bed, but may also include establishing goals for the day by taking a minute to look at my schedule and upcoming assignments.  By planning out my day, I am able to ease my stress and be intentional with my time. 

Lastly, I love to start my days by moving my body in some way. Some days, this means I wake up 30 minutes earlier and do a workout, while other days I just step outside for a few minutes to get some sunlight. Even a five-minute stretching routine can get your blood flowing and boost energy levels for the day.

 Setting a routine that lasts is easier with variety because each step feels less like a chore and more like an exciting element of my morning. 

Some effective tips to remember are:

  1. Be flexible. Not every morning will look the same and that is okay.

  2. Be consistent. Setting realistic expectations can promote lasting routines.

  3. And finally, plan at night. A few minutes of planning the night before can save me valuable time the morning of. 

A morning routine looks different for everybody. By being intentional with your time before the day goes into full swing, you can feel the benefits of creating a lasting routine. 


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