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Giving Extra Thanks This Thanksgiving Holiday

Giving Extra Thanks This Thanksgiving Holiday

By Alexa Silvestri

There are less than two weeks until Thanksgiving. Some people are anxiously awaiting a great big turkey feast. Others just like to skip over the holiday in its entirety and go right from Halloween to the holiday season. However, after the year we had, this Thanksgiving is more important than before. 

The pandemic has stolen a lot from us all--whether it was something minor as a trip we have had planned or some other unfortunate major tragedy. People across the world have lost loved ones to the global health crisis. Family, friends, and life events are all things that are normally appreciated, specifically at this time. This year, giving thanks for the things we have is needed more than ever.

This Thanksgiving is a great time to remind the important people in your life that you love them. Time we have is precious. Every event, every holiday, every gathering is important and is a memory that will last forever. Take an extra moment in the weeks to come to hug your parents, hand-write a letter to your grandparents, or find time to spend with your siblings. Also, be sure to catch up with old friends while you’re home. Tell them how much you appreciate them being in your life as well. Lastly, do not forget to remember yourself.

Even if you feel that you have nothing specific to be thankful for this year, thank yourself. Mental health over the last year also took a major hit. Anxiety, depression, and more are heightened worldwide. However, we are bouncing back and pushing through. If there is anything this pandemic has taught me, it is that tenacity and perseverance are innate in us all.

As students, we overcame a drastic shift from normal school to a full year of online education. But, we are back. As young adults, we figured out how to play our part in a global health crisis on top of other world debates, and we are still standing. We did it. You did it. It is time now to take a break.

As we have a few days at home, away from all the chaos school and life, take a few moments for yourself. Mental health is super important. When we are literally given a break, it is time to take a real pause for ourselves. There are many things you can do to take care of yourself over the Thanksgiving holiday. Here are a few things to fill your five days off if you need inspiration:

  • Meditation and yoga

  • Daily journaling or grab an adult coloring book

  • Bake a delicious dessert

  • Go retail therapy shopping

  • Watch the Netflix show you have been waiting to watch

  • Read a book

  • Go on a walk with your family or by yourself

  • Get in the holiday spirit

Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy your break.

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