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Fun Ways to Add More Protein to Your Diet

Fun Ways to Add More Protein to Your Diet

By Caroline Patafio

Protein is an essential component of our diet. Protein keeps us energized, builds muscle, and promotes healthy cell growth. According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, an individual should get about 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. This number is only a baseline, as your body's needs and health goals will alter this number. If you lift weights or exercise regularly, increasing your protein intake can help with muscle growth and staying fueled.

When making a meal or packing a snack a good rule of thumb is to have part of it contain protein. There are two different types of proteins you can look for: complete and incomplete proteins. Complete Proteins are foods that contain all nine of the essential amino acids (histidine, isoleucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine). Incomplete proteins only have a few of those essential amino acids. Foods that are considered complete proteins include eggs, tofu, greek yogurt, and most meat and poultry. Although these are excellent foods to incorporate into your weekly diet, you can also combine different protein-rich foods to make a complete protein. 

For example:

Apples and a handful of nuts or a cheese stick

Hummus and whole-grain pita bread

Peanut butter on a piece of whole-grain toast

Rice and beans

Getting enough protein can be a challenge but working to combine different nutrient-rich foods can help you reach those goals. While it is crucial to not restrict yourself and eat different foods of your choice, prioritizing protein can be super helpful in feeling your best. This helps add a little variation to your meals and can help you feel more satisfied after.  


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