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Finding Joy in the Little Things

Finding Joy in the Little Things

By Ally Dorsey

Day to day, I get caught up in the busy schedule of being a full-time student involved in a variety of on campus groups and working, all while maintaining relationships and my overall well-being. Amidst these challenges, I have been working extremely hard to change my perspective on the little things within my daily life.

A few years ago, my cousin and one of my biggest role models, Joyce, was diagnosed with breast cancer. Throughout her entire cancer journey, her highs and her lows, she always ended each and every one of her Facebook posts and text messages with, “Count it all joy.” This motto has stuck with me and has truly changed my perspective on the challenges I face, and has led me to find joy in little things in life.

Finding joy can come in many different ways. For me, I seek joy in three things: in myself, in my family, and in my friends and relationships. 

  1. This past year especially, I have struggled with making time for myself. I have made it a priority over the last few months to dedicate time to doing something small for myself each day. Whether it be taking a drive to Dunkin’ for my favorite iced tea or purposely setting time aside to just relax, I truly find joy and comfort in being by myself and just appreciating and being grateful for where I am. 

  2. My family is my rock. They support me in all I do; whether it be getting through a tough day or simply sharing our daily phone calls, I find myself smiling more after talking to them, even for 5 minutes. My younger sister especially radiates joy. I look forward to getting her daily “Good morning” text and her silly Snapchat vlogs that keep me up to date on all things at home. 

  3. Some of my best friends remind me to not take everything so seriously. They have helped me to let go of my worries and see the joy in the little things, whether it be cooking dinner, watching a movie, or just sharing the details of our day.

Joyce fought the strongest battle possible. She passed away last year, but there is no doubt in my mind that her legacy lives on through the joy that she shared with her family, her friends, and most importantly, all the lives she changed through her nursing career. I proudly wear her (and now our) motto on a pink bracelet each and every day. Joyce, thank you for being my inspiration and for teaching me to “count it all joy.” How can you find joy in your day?

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