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Concept of Cookie/ Coffee Time

Concept of Cookie/ Coffee Time

By Catie Frank

The word dessert means “to clear the table” in French. As children, we are taught that dessert is the sweet treat rewarded to one after finishing dinner—something enjoyed only at the end of the day. 

I love dessert, and I especially love a sweet treat after dinner. As a huge snack lover with a big sweet tooth, I also love a sweet treat during the day. As someone who has struggled with the notion that dessert is only allowed after dinner, I have found a new concept to rid the shame around dessert before dinner. “Cookie Coffee time” has reshaped how I view a sweet treat. Dessert isn’t reserved for a time; food is meant to be enjoyed and eaten when desired. 

I first discovered the concept of “Cookie Coffee Time” while scrolling through Tik Tok. I came across a video of a creator sipping an iced latte paired with a chocolate chip cookie. She used this snack as a pick-me-up during the sluggish time of her day (around 3 or 4 pm). She had previously struggled with body image and intuitive eating and had spoken about how this concept of dessert without time constraints helped reshape her relationship with food. It also allowed her a moment in her day to take care of herself. 

After seeing her success with “Cookie Coffee Time,” I was inspired to participate. I originally began my journey with “Cookie Coffee Time” to show myself that dessert does not have to be consumed only after dinner. However, “Cookie Coffee Time” became more than just the cookie and coffee itself. 

It became a period in my day where I could sit with my thoughts and take in the present moment and the yummy snack I had in front of me. Anxious? “Cookie Coffee Time.” Confused? “Cookie Coffee Time.” Overwhelmed? “Cookie Coffee Time.” This seemingly silly concept became a mindfulness-like practice I now incorporate into my daily routine.

“Cookie Coffee Time” is not restricted to a specific time of day or to the cookie or coffee itself. This can be any snack or drink that makes you feel happy and enjoy. 

“Cookie Coffee Time” is a form of self-care. It is a moment where you can allow yourself to simply enjoy the food in front of you, providing a break in your day that will allow you to be present and mindful. 

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