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A Letter from the Editor in Chief 

A Letter from the Editor in Chief 

By Meaghan Falconer 

As a senior I find myself longing for more time here. I think about how this is my last time experiencing the seasons of Villanova and the final time I will ever be a student. My time at Villanova has gone by all too quickly, the wonderful and transformative time I have had here makes it impossible to think about leaving. Being a senior is so bittersweet, I am leaving behind a time in my life I cherish so strongly, but I am excited for my impending future. Instead of spending this last year thinking of these memories as my “lasts” I am working on shifting my perspective to instead be thankful for the present moment I am experiencing. So here is some sage advice from a sentimental senior.


Say yes to everything. Oftentimes we are afraid of life; we fear failure and anticipate the worst when we say yes. But by saying “no” to opportunities, we reject life’s brilliant plan. I believe opportunities arrive at the perfect timing, even if they do not align when we feel we are ready. It is important to say yes even when we want to say no because of our fears. Saying yes helps us set ourselves up for amazing opportunities. By saying yes, you can try new things, meet lasting friends, and create some of the best memories. Saying yes opens doors, when we say yes we live a more creative, fun, and richer life! Say yes to trying, though I have never touched a soccer ball in my life, I joined an intramural team with my friends and had the best time. Accepting invitations opens your life to new challenges and opportunities. It is important to not live with regret, though it is cliche, a happy life is one lived to the fullest!


Creating a healthy work-life balance is vital to enjoying college. Of course we are all here to gain an education, but college is also a time to grow as individuals, explore our interests, and build meaningful relationships. Achieving academic excellence while still having a bustling social life in college is doable, it just requires planning and prioritizing. Not placing social vs. academic above one another allows one to not take over your life in an unhealthy way. I believe that mental and physical health is most important, and prioritizing meeting these needs is vital to being able to show up as your best self. Take time to take care of yourself, whether that be going on a walk, going to the gym, meeting friends, or for me, grabbing some cookies from Hope’s. Managing being a student while keeping a social life is a challenge, so creating time for yourself between classes and work is important. Finding a time management technique that works for you will relieve stress and allow you to have greater control over your life. I love to use Google Calendar to manage my class schedule, homework, tests, clubs, workouts, and social events. It is possible to be an excellent student while having a social life, and it is so important to our own health and happiness.


Don't Fear Failure. Failure is a part of life, and it's certainly a part of the college experience. Do not be afraid of making mistakes or receiving a less-than-perfect grade. A grade does not define who you are. To reframe failure in a more positive light, view setbacks as opportunities for growth. Failure is not just felt in class. Throughout college, you will meet, make, and lose friends. But by putting yourself out there, whether that be through talking to a friend in class, or joining a club or intramural that interests you, you can find valuable friendships.


Four short years at Villanova will go by so quickly. My best advice for your time here is to do what makes you happy. Find happiness in your daily walk to class through our beautiful campus, the friends you have found, the clubs and teams you have joined, the classes you are enrolled in, and the life you have made here. I feel so fortunate to have found a home that makes it so hard to leave.  

New Perspectives

New Perspectives

The Villanova Office of Health Promotion and a Holistic Look at Health 

The Villanova Office of Health Promotion and a Holistic Look at Health