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The Everlasting Search for Happiness

The Everlasting Search for Happiness

By Kaitlin Costarene


The everlasting search for happiness comes from actively following the path of joy and bliss. It sounds simple, and when you break it down, it is. As human beings, we are innately searching for a state of pure happiness, even if we don’t know it. Happiness is a state, a mindset, a lifestyle. It’s not just feeling happy in a specific moment. Of course, feeling happy at certain times is great, but in order to achieve happiness as a state, we must follow the path of joy. When I say “path of joy,” I simply mean the people, places, and things that spark a feeling of prosperity and satisfaction. Feeling joyful in a moment is quite similar to feeling happy in a moment, but being happy is different.

Being happy means something different for everyone, but it’s something that almost all of us want to be. We all share the desire to be in a state of true and simple happiness, peace, and harmony with our inner selves and our surroundings. To get to this so-called “state” of happiness, we have to hold close the aspects of life that spark joy. Ultimately, these people, places, and things will lead us to everlasting happiness. Personally, I find joy in shared moments with loved ones, in relaxing on my couch with no plans, in running outside, in a clean set of sheets on my bed, in traveling, in music, and so much more. Whatever it is that brings you joy, keep it close to your heart. I’m sure many of you have heard the saying, “Keep people close who feel like sunshine,” and as cheesy as it is, it’s true. Hold close the people, places, and things, that bring you moments of joy and bliss. They will help you achieve everlasting happiness. 

To complement that, learn to let go of what no longer serves you. We often outgrow people, places, and things. Sometimes it’s uncomfortable when a friendship ends or when you no longer practice a habit you used to, but change is good. Allowing yourself to outgrow and release the parts of life that are no longer bringing you joy, love, peace, and all the other things you want to feel is a great way to cultivate your own self-love. Letting go of what is causing you to feel anything other than favorable emotions and not contributing to your life in a positive way is also a practice that will help in bringing you to a state of happiness. 

Moreover, following the path of joy and holding close the parts of life that bring you warmth, satisfaction and prosperity will ultimately elevate your state and bring you to true happiness. If you’ve already found that everlasting happiness, congratulations! If you’re still working on it, there are millions of people out there who are doing the same. So on your quest for a truly happy life, follow the small moments of joy, hold close to your heart the things that bring a smile to your face, and release anything or anyone that is no longer serving your soul. Protect your peace. Then, you will be well on your way to everlasting happiness.

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