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Music is Medicine

Music is Medicine

By Kaitlin Costarene

Not surprisingly, this week I was inspired by another SoulCycle instructor’s mantra: “Music is medicine.” Not only does this feel relatable, it also feels like the truth. So often, I find myself having one of those days where I’m just not feeling it. Sometimes the gloomy weather or even just the minor inconveniences of life put me in a mood where I am not feeling happy, excited, or grateful. Instead, I am irritable, testy, and tired. I would assume almost every human being can relate to having one of those days where all you want to do is curl up in bed and shut out the world. But there are also days where everything is going fine, and suddenly, something terrible happens that throws the entire trajectory of your day off. During both of these types of days, I believe that the right music can be an incredibly powerful tool in the form of a mood booster, a stress reliever, and a motivator.

Making and organizing a variety of playlists is a great way to make sure you have the right music ready when you need it. You can organize your playlists by genre, by artist, by mood, or really any way you prefer. I find that when I need to get my energy levels up and my adrenaline pumping, I listen to my favorite upbeat music. On days when I feel overwhelmed and just need time to relax and decompress, I listen to serene, soothing music. 

Allowing music into your life, even when you don’t particularly feel like listening to it, can truly change the trajectory of your day. Music will change your mindset and your mood, which will then change your actions and perspectives. I recently watched an episode of the show “Explained” on Netflix, and the information I learned about human brains and our capacity to process music was absolutely incredible. We are hard-wired to respond to music. In fact, we are one of the only species that can respond to and predict a beat. Music is also proven to be one of the major factors in healing us, both physically and mentally. Studies suggest that music may contribute to helping patients heal from Parkinson’s disease or a stroke. Furthermore, music therapy is a legitimate form of trauma recovery for many people. 

So why not make a playlist of your favorite pick-me-up songs? Whether you’re having a great day or a not so great day, listening to music that makes you feel good is a tool that we have at our fingertips and definitely should take advantage of. Allow music to be your medicine, especially when you need it most. 

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