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New Semester, New Perspectives

New Semester, New Perspectives

By Lauren Beizer

We are finally back on campus for the spring semester, and it feels like we’ve started off on the wrong foot. The COVID-19 cases are rising tremendously and Father Peter has had to implement drastic public health measures on campus in order to slow the spread. This obviously can be an additional stressor for many students at this time who are already dealing with heavy workloads and busy lives. I would like to provide some organizational and mindfulness tips in order to help students find ways to start off this unstable semester on a harmonious note. 

1. Stay Organized! 

While the world around us is drastically changing and we lack control over the circumstances, we must control what we can in order to continue to succeed at Villanova. This means that we as students have to be vigilant in planning out our assignments and staying on top of our work. I suggest that everyone have some sort of notebook or planner where they can keep track of all major assignments and tasks that need to be completed. This way, there is a physical track record of all important things that need to be finished that is not virtual, so there is less of a chance of losing it. 

2. Take Care of Your Mental Health. 

We simply cannot function as human beings without a solid mental state. The quality of our work will be down and our functionality will suffer if we are not in the right mental state. One way to check-in on and take care of our mental health is to have a journal. For just a few minutes every day, jot down your thoughts about how you are feeling and get out any anger or frustrations that you may have had building up throughout your day. Another way to take care of your mental health is to practice mindfulness through meditation. There are so many free apps available that will give any beginner a basic guide to mindfulness. They are perfect for increasing some calmness into your day. 

3. Do Things That You Enjoy! 

Most importantly, don’t forget to carve out some time for yourself. Even if you schedule a thirty minute workout for yourself, or simply just take a ten minute nap, this will still be good for you in the long-run. Making time for activities that you enjoy is a huge part of self-care and something that everyone really needs to do this semester in order to take care of themselves properly. 

Although we have had a rough start to this semester, that does not mean that we have to stop taking care of ourselves, our minds, and our bodies. It is imperative that we all take care of our bodies while staying on top of our busy schedules so that we don’t fall behind. Staying organized, taking care of our mental health, doing things that you enjoy are all critical to helping us enjoy this crazy semester on campus. I hope that these tips are helpful for all readers and can alleviate some of the stress that this unprecedented spring semester is bringing upon everyone.

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