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Join the Walking Lifestyle with These Routines

Join the Walking Lifestyle with These Routines

By Alexa Silvestri

COVID has led to many new behaviors and habits. When the first lockdown first went into effects, families and individuals found themselves learning new skills, dancing to popular TikTok sounds, finishing home improvement projects, and of course, walking! You may or may not have started “family walks” or other forms of exercise during the pandemic. But do you know what walking actually does for your body?

Walking presents a list of benefits, including the following:

  • Improves balance

  • Boosts energy

  • Burns calories

  • Promotes weight loss

  • Heightens immune function

Getting in a good amount of steps each day is important for achieving these benefits and more. While 10,000 steps is a great goal to strive for, remember, benefits of exercise depend on more factors than just steps. However, 10,000 steps is a good place to start!

With the new COVID lockdown restrictions in place, walking is even more of a crucial activity. Can’t convince yourself to go outside and go on a walk? Not sure how to hit 10,000 steps a day? Here are some routines to get yourself in a walking lifestyle:

Digestive Walks

Need motivation to go for a walk? Make time after each meal to go on a digestive walk. Walking after eating promotes faster metabolic rates and lowers reflux rates. If you are someone who usually feels sluggish after eating a meal, it may be a sign to integrate digestive walks into your daily routine.

Power Walks

With COVID restrictions in place, gyms may be temporarily closed or pose a fear in some people. If that is the case, try power walking! Increase the speed of your normal pace to burn more calories. Put on some fast-paced music and get to speed walking.

Mental Walks

Still not sure how a walk can fit into your busy schedule? Use walking as your “me” time. Enjoy the scenery around you and block out whatever is troubling you. Mental health is very important. Find something you enjoy to clear your head and reduce stress. Walking may be a solution!

“Talk-and-Walk” Walks

If you are one of those people who writes-off walking as “boring”, don’t go alone! Even in COVID times, bring a friend or roommate along, with proper safety measures in place. Can’t motivate your friends or family? Grab some headphones, listen to some music or a good podcast, or even facetime or call someone you haven’t talked to in a while. You will be surprised how much time goes by when you are talking or listening to something exciting.

“12-3-30” Treadmill Walks

The “12-3-30” treadmill workout has been trending for some time now. What is 12-3-30? Influencer Lauren Giraldo posted this workout back in 2019. All you have to do is set your treadmill to 12 incline at 3 mph speed for a minimum of 30 minutes and watch your body slim down and tone up. Use this workout 4-5 times a week for excellent results.

I know it may be cold outside, or there may be something else blocking you from going for long walks. But even a quick 10-15 minute walk around the block can improve your day, your week, your mood, and your overall health. So get up and get walking!

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