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Villanova Fall Break: What is it Good For?

Villanova Fall Break: What is it Good For?

By Sarah Houle

One of the perks of Villanova’s academic calendar is the fact that the long weekend observing Indigenous Peoples’ Day is extended into a full week break from classes. With this break being scheduled directly after midterms week, it is much needed by nearly all of the students. It is always refreshing to live a full week without the obligation of being present in class, but what should we be doing instead? It might sound tempting to spontaneously book a flight to the warmest destination possible to soak up the last rays of sun before the dark winter months, or plan a week-long bender to visit all of your home friends at their respective schools. You might want to cross something exotic off of your bucket list to take advantage of the free time by traversing the wilderness to ~find yourself~. These all sound like amazing plans, and all the power to you if you have a lively trip planned for the break. 

But you know what? College is hard. It can be exhausting: mentally, physically, and socially. Maybe you aren’t feeling up for any exploring or socializing at all. Firstly, I relate. Secondly, this is extremely normal, and it should not stress you out. Fall break was made for you, and you have the right to do whatever you want during it.


As lame as it sounds, my personal plans for fall break will include the following: catching up on schoolwork and binge watching shows on Netflix that I’ve been too busy to watch during the semester. So riveting, I know! As unexciting as it sounds, it is exactly what I need to do to come back feeling revived going into the second half of the semester. There is no shame in needing some time to just be alone and decompress from the first few weeks of school. The fall season is synonymous with comfort, so it is only right to listen to our bodies and nourish them in any way possible.

There are so many things that may not come across as productive or exciting but can benefit us in the long run. If you are looking to make the most of a staycation at home, here are a few things that might be helpful in prioritizing yourself throughout the week:

  • If you live far away: For students who are unable to go home on long weekends because of a geographic distance barrier, it is the perfect time to go home and embrace the simple pleasures of your home state and being with family. 

  • For anyone needing a detox: The stress of the semester might have slithered its way into your diet, leaving you feeling a little imbalanced nutrition-wise. This is a perfect chance to use a full home kitchen and try out some new healthy recipes.

  • For the family-oriented: If you simply felt a little homesick while at school, carve out some time to be with your family and cherish the chance to be together.

  • If midterms threw off your workout routine: Try mixing in some new ways to move your body if your study time has replaced your workout time throughout the past few weeks. Whether it is a quick walk, a yoga session, strength training, a run, or anything other form of movement, baby steps can help you feel back on track throughout the week.

  • For anyone who pushed the workouts too hard at school: On the flip side, sometimes working out becomes a coping mechanism for large amounts of stress, and it might be time for a break! Make sure you are listening to your body and giving it what it needs.

In addition to these few, there are so many more ways to recenter ourselves over fall break, and it is entirely individualized. Regardless of what your plans are for fall break, be sure to limit your comparison to other people’s experiences to get the most out of the well deserved time away from school. Happy almost fall break, Nova; it’s your time to make the most of it!! :)

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