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Combating Study Abroad Cancellation

Combating Study Abroad Cancellation

Julia Howe

I am the type of person who has always been excited to travel the world and learn about new cultures, and I am extremely grateful to have been able to see a few beautiful places throughout my life. But there was nothing I was looking forward to more than studying abroad during the fall semester of my junior year. I had spent over two months going back and forth between different countries and programs when I finally decided to submit my application to a study abroad program in London. After that, I spent another month researching London. I watched videos of people’s experiences, explored different itineraries, and even started a list of all the places I needed to see in London. My friend and I had started planning out weekend trips all over Europe to visit our other friends doing their own programs. In short, I was all in. I had such a vision for my semester abroad, but then we were sent home in the spring due to COVID-19. People kept telling me there was no way I would be able to go abroad in the fall. I never lost hope. I continued my research into the summertime and dove into all things European. But I eventually got the email that my semester abroad was canceled. 

While I am so lucky that COVID-19 has not affected me or my family, it definitely put a damper on my abroad plans. Coming back to school was extremely difficult. I was so caught up in the negative idea that I would be stuck in my small bubble of Villanova for an entire year. It took some getting used to, but I finally started appreciating everything I have here at Villanova. I am able to see my wonderful friends that I was separated from too early last spring. I get to experience the beautiful fall weather at Villanova. I can form connections with professors that I would not have met if I were abroad. Being here this year was never a part of my plan, but I owe it to myself to make the most of my time and appreciate all I have right here at Villanova. 

There are also countless ways to experience different cultures here, even during COVID-19. I have decided to use my London Survival Guide to find things that give me a little taste of what London would be like. Whether that is what I wear to school, or what food I eat, it definitely adds a little flare to my normal routine. There are also so many different types of food available in the area. I can easily order food inspired by different cuisines and imagine I am visiting that location on a weekend trip. Furthermore, Villanova offers a variety of courses on different countries' histories and cultures. Take the time now to learn and experience other cultures in any way you can. Find what makes you happy and excited for the day you will be able to experience the real thing. 

My final piece of advice is to stay grateful. It is easy to see the current situation as the end of the world, but we are all so lucky to be able to receive a great education and experience here at Villanova, and one small change of plans may actually be what was best for you in the long run. The rest of the world will be still waiting for you to discover it when the time is right!

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