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The Practice of Attracting Abundance

The Practice of Attracting Abundance

By Yaoyao Shi

Early this summer during quarantine, I journaled about abundance for 21 days. Quarantine was a difficult time, but I wanted to give myself some time for self-reflection. What is abundance? I think about abundance as the plentifulness of the good things in my life. It can be health, friendship, positive energy, etc. I was surprised that throughout journaling, I realized that I was constantly receiving abundance which I had not noticed before. I felt grateful for what I had been given, and I knew that I would like to give to others as well. I would like to share the process of how I guided myself to attract abundance.



There is a saying that “life overflows with an abundance of love, passion, creativity and significance, and then these symbols themselves will chase you.” I recognize abundance as both material and spiritual. Materially, I make personal finance plans to pay down my debts, and that’s one way to create abundance. Abundance is also when I make personal investments to grow my personal savings.

Spiritually, I reflect on people who have influenced my life. I have received an abundance of love and care from friends, family, and people who have helped me in my life. Even people who have made me uncomfortable have taught me to stay strong and to forgive. There are many experiences in my life that create abundance. I recognize that there is constant abundance flowing in my life.



Once I recognized that there is abundance flowing in my everyday life, I could then work on attracting abundance with my thoughts. Days can be good or bad, but every day when I wake up, I have the choice to lead my feelings. I feel energetic and excited to start a brand-new day, and I choose to feel whole, healthy, abundant, and blessed. Then I move through my day with a light and care-free heart. I understand that problems are transient and temporary, and I choose to embrace joy and abundance.

After I started proactively leading my feelings, I have realized that I have been in a more positive mindset and let negative things pass. Besides, I have been able to capture abundance around me. Small things like warm weather and good talks with friends make me appreciate and enjoy my abundant life more. When I proactively set myself to attract abundance, abundance flows to me.


Give and Receive

Just like in Physics, I deem everything in my life as energy, and its flow is circular and continuous. Abundance flows as well, and we give and receive every day. There can be different ways of giving, such as supporting friends, forgiving others, spreading positive energy, restoring justice, etc. After I have attracted abundance myself, I switch my mind to spread the love and the joy that I feel in my heart. This positive cycle of abundance flow eventually creates communities with love and care.


Starting from now, I hope we all live every moment of every day of our lives with abundance.

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