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Creative Ideas for Activities During COVID

Creative Ideas for Activities During COVID

By Molly Carriero

The world around us is changing. We now talk to professors and classmates through a virtual screen and carry masks around like second hands. From Zoom calls to breakout rooms, asynchronous lectures to hybrid videos, and with all these changes on top of our normal course loads, we are all going to be spending an enormous amount of time in isolation this semester. With the majority of our classes online, we have less incentive to leave our beds and our dorms. As tempting as it is to remain in bed all day, I urge you to take this strange time of life to be present, and most importantly, be present with the ones you are closest to. Get creative with your friends right now. Don’t let each other spend 100% of your time in your rooms or spend too much time online. In this article, I’ll share ideas for creative activities you can do with friends during these times. 

Instead of sitting in bed alone and watching Netflix, watch it with your friends or roommates. Just being with others, even if it does not mean talking or being active, can be so fulfilling. If you and your friend have a class at the same time over Zoom, go to a common area together where you both can work. Just because you cannot be in a room with your classmates does not mean you have to be alone. 


With only two or three people to a table and a clear glass of separation, the dining hall may not be the most fun place to sit right now. Instead, grab food to-go and picnic outside with your friends. Set up your chairs or a blanket in the grass. Watch the sunset, listen to music, and just enjoy each other’s company. Take advantage of this beautiful weather!


Go for walks. Our campus is surrounded by beautiful neighborhoods behind South and West Campus. Near West, you can find Stoneleigh, a beautiful garden open to the public with various scenic paths. The garden is 100% free!


Explore the local restaurants and shops in Bryn Mawr after class or on weekends. Consider walking there to save costs on an Uber and to spend more time outside. 


If you or someone you know has a car, you can go to a “Live-In Drive-In” concert in Philly! Live-In Drive-In is a drive-in concert series featuring live performances on stage in the parking lot at Citizens Bank Park. You can enjoy live music while maintaining social distance from the comfort of your own vehicle.


In a time so strange, rare, and out of control, take this time to appreciate campus and your friends. Deepen your relationships and lean on your friends for support. Be present in this moment and find creative ways to soak up each day. Have dance parties, picnics, and deep talks. Take this time to really form strong relationships!

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