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What to Eat When You Can't Eat Out

What to Eat When You Can't Eat Out

By Annie Condodina

Amid COVID-19 scares and CDC recommendations, spring semester of college is basically over. It’s jarring and disappointing to have to come home far earlier than expected, especially under such dire circumstances. Even among the disappointment, my first thoughts were how excited I was to see my high school friends and eat at my favorite places around my hometown. And now that that’s out of the question, I’m definitely feeling bored. For everyone whose go-to activities are hanging out in restaurants and coffee shops with your friends, this article is for you.

First of all, remember to not take social distancing or shelter in place lightly. We definitely should be concerned and should be staying home. But time spent staying home can also present some opportunities. Now might be the perfect time to break out that Pinterest board you made with a million easy recipes on it, and you can learn to actually cook. Start the week with a plan of a few meals you can contribute to your family — it might be nice to give your parents the night off. When you go to the grocery store, remember not to overbuy! It’s important to plan meals that have similar ingredients so that you don’t waste food, especially in a time of crisis.

If you’re dying for some type of social interaction that’s not with your immediate family, ask your friends to join your cooking project from afar. FaceTiming your friends while cooking is a fun way to catch up over common ground. Ask each other questions about your recipes, chat about college memories, and act like you’re back in your apartment at school! It’s a little more interesting to be moving around in your kitchen while you’re chatting with friends instead of just laying in bed.

You might even consider venturing away from Pinterest recipes. Try to recreate some of your favorite foods from school at home. Think of your own (better) versions of Spit stir fry or Campco Zillies. Whatever the recipe, practicing social distancing and cooking new recipes in the kitchen can be a delicious way to pass the time!

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