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Study Abroad FOMO: An Open Letter to Both Sides

Study Abroad FOMO: An Open Letter to Both Sides

By Olivia Pfeiffer

To the Person On Campus 

You’re not studying abroad. Maybe it doesn’t work with your class schedule or your personal finances, or maybe you are committed to organizations on campus and don’t want to leave your sports team or service club. Maybe you have no desire to go and are content to stay at Villanova. No matter the reason you’re on campus, it can still be hard to not have major FOMO when looking at friends’ abroad photos or hearing about their experiences. I remember stressing out in Bartley for my macroeconomics exam while looking at my friends sunbathing in Thailand and wanting so badly to be in their shoes. When the weather is gloomy for the tenth day in a row, I completely understand the urge to drop everything and flee the country. 

It’s okay to be envious of those jetting off to the Amalfi Coast while still being grateful for your experience on Villanova’s campus. It’s only a problem when you let it consume you, and all you’re doing is refreshing your friends’ Instagrams while becoming increasingly upset about your own situation. Remember that your friends are probably homesick, at least to some extent. While studying abroad seems incredibly glamorous, it has its pitfalls. Connecting with the person who is currently studying abroad can remind you it’s not all perfect, and, telling them about times back at Villanova can make you realize how happy you are to be at school. Furthermore, studying abroad isn’t the only opportunity you’ll have to see the world. Even if you don’t make it abroad for a semester in college, there are jobs where you can travel almost anywhere for work, or you can plan a honeymoon abroad. The world isn’t going anywhere. It’s okay to wish you were in your friends’ shoes, but consider distancing yourself from looking at their photos on social media every time you feel jealous, and remind yourself that as tasty as the pasta in Italy looks, they might be dying for some Campco. 

To the Person Abroad 

The person still on campus is not the only one struggling with FOMO. Trust me, I understand. You’re in a new country, experiencing brand new things and a new culture, and everyone expects you to be over the moon all the time. Yet somehow you find yourself scrolling through Instagram, looking at your friends at rush, Wells Fargo tailgates, and campus events, and you can’t help but wish you were back in Pennsylvania. It feels weirdly guilty; you’re so grateful for the opportunity put in front of you, but you can’t help but wish you were back home with your friends. 

It’s okay to feel that way. Pretending that you don’t feel homesick for Villanova (and even the simple things like Zilly Fries after a night out) won’t help you combat homesickness. Acknowledging that you miss Villanova and your friends does not make you ungrateful. It’s possible for you to be in awe of the Eiffel Tower and also wish you were on a school bus going to Paddy Whacks. Acknowledge your feelings of FOMO, but most importantly, let them go. By accepting these feelings as a normal part studying abroad, you’ll be able to move forward. 

Also, there are ways to stay connected with people at Villanova without feeling that massive fear of missing out. Rather than simply liking your friends picture from the tailgate and wishing you were there, text them and ask how it went. You’ll not only get a hilarious story (like a bus breaking down), but you’ll also remember some of the realities of the tailgate, like how it was probably freezing cold. Disengaging from social media and engaging with the people you left behind will remind you that Villanova has its ups and downs, just like study abroad does. Remember, there are definitely those on the other side of the situation wishing they were in your shoes, and enjoy where you are now. 800 E Lancaster Avenue will always be waiting for you. 

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