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How to Make the Most Out of This Extended Break

How to Make the Most Out of This Extended Break

By Fran DeNunzio

As we near the end of the semester, I think we’re all wondering how in the world we have made it to halfway through the school year. It’s hard to believe how fast these past few months have flown by. It feels like we just got here, and now we’re leaving again for almost two months. This extended winter break is not something any of us are used to, and I think we are all trying to figure out what we are going to do during this time. If you’re like me and you want to try and use this break to your advantage, here are some ways to best utilize the time we have been given.

Identify your goals for this break.

Is there anything in specific that you would like to accomplish over the two months of break? Is there a fun project you’ve seen and want to do but haven’t had time because of school or work? Or is there something you’ve needed to do for a while but it just hasn't been a priority? Give yourself some time to think about that. I know we all have items on our to-do lists that get pushed further and further down the list when we are busy. Now that we have this prolonged break, try to think of those things that you finally have time to sit down and complete. For me, that would be cleaning out my email. Thanks to this break, I now will have plenty of time to accomplish that task. Write these goals down and space them out throughout the break. Do you have a list of books you want to read? Try to set the goal of reading one book a week. Setting goals will help divide up the break and give you things to do when you are feeling bored.

Use this time to get acquainted with things you haven’t had time to do at school.

Is there a new workout routine that you’ve been wanting to try but haven’t had the time or motivation to start because of school? Have you been wanting to try a new recipe but have been hesitant to make it because you don’t have the space or proper cooking utensils? Use this break as a time to get comfortable with those new routines or skills and then bring what you learned back to school with you! 

Try to plan something fun to do once a week.

It’s hard to go back home knowing that life is still very much not normal due to COVID-19. While we are seeing cases rise yet again, it is still important to try and make the most out of this break, though in a safe way. Try to plan something fun once a week. Whether it is having a game night with your family, getting takeout from a new restaurant, or finding a new trail to hike, planning at least one fun thing to do every week will give you something to look forward to. It will make break seem less like a quarantine 2.0 and more of a chill break full of enjoyable activities to be excited about. 

Intentionally make time to rest.

Most importantly, everyone should set intentional times to rest this break. Especially for those of you who are working or taking a class over break, try to give yourselves some time to slow down and breathe. Don’t feel pressured to hang out with friends and family as soon as you get home. Give yourself time to unwind and catch up on sleep. This is really what break is all about, and after this semester with no breaks at all, everyone deserves to relax. It’s been a hard semester and an even harder year. I think most of us are feeling pretty mentally and physically drained at this point. Use this time to rest and recharge. That way, we can come back next semester feeling ready to go and excited for what the semester has in store for us.

I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season and winter break!

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