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Exercise 101: How to Start a Routine without Being Overwhelmed

Exercise 101: How to Start a Routine without Being Overwhelmed

By Julia Valenti

Have you ever wanted to start an exercise routine but had no idea where to begin? Or have you attempted to build a habit, full of hope and inspiration, only to drop it days later? If so, join the club! When coming from a period of inactivity, it's so easy to feel unprepared, burnt out, and discouraged—especially when everyone around you seems to be a fitness guru. But with exercising providing so many mental and physical benefits, it can prove a very worthwhile addition to your pursuit of wellness. Here are some tips to help you stay motivated while you begin your fitness journey. 

1. Invest in Gear 

In the beginning, everyone can benefit from a little incentive to help them to look forward to exercising. Maybe this comes in the form of stylish new sneakers, extra supportive workout tops, or a new fitness app that you can’t wait to try. When it comes to working out, comfort and confidence are also key. If you feel better about yourself and are less distracted by your surroundings through these investments, it will make focusing on your task easier. 

2. Experiment with Various Forms of Exercise 

Sometimes it can feel like exercise is this torturous activity that we must endure for the sake of health. But this doesn’t have to be the case! Working out can actually be a very enjoyable activity if you find a practice that is best suited for you.Take the time to try out a few different types of exercise. You may find that yoga is a great way for you to calm down after a long day, or that high-energy running is more catered to your individual skills and needs. Maybe switching up your workouts is needed to break up the monotony! The opportunities are endless, and cultivating a routine that is perfect for you can make a huge difference in your experience. 

3. Start Small 

Beginning a new workout routine can quickly overwhelm your already packed schedule, causing you to stop as soon as you start. Start by finding a few times throughout the week that you have open and go from there. Consistency is so important, so aiming to exercise three days a week might be better than trying to work out every day and finding it extremely difficult to keep up. Also, rest days will definitely be needed to recover from soreness in the early days of your routine. Ultimately, the practice of forming a habit is much better for your long term fitness journey than overworking yourself from the get-go. 

4. Focus on Your Own Progress 

Especially in the beginning, do not worry about other people’s abilities—they probably started in the very same position that you are in right now! Starting to exercise for the first time is obviously going to be somewhat difficult, and no one is judging you for trying to improve your life. Instead of looking around at what everyone else is doing and striving for the unachievable, create small goals for yourself. If running is difficult, then try walking on an incline or running intervals. Once you master that, you will see that you are able to do more and more, and can increase your goals for yourself. Seeing how far you have come in the end will make all of your efforts worth it.

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