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How SoulCycle Can Help Improve Your Mental Health, too!

How SoulCycle Can Help Improve Your Mental Health, too!

By Anne Standfest

As a college student I struggle to balance being a good friend, sibling, and juggle the endless amount of stressors at school. I have always had anxiety which resulted in putting an immense amount of pressure on myself and always striving to do well. However, I was putting so much stress on myself that it finally became unhealthy. One day, my Mom suggested I try something new. And I did. And I realized that for the first time in years my head and body were completely free from the unsettled feeling of anxiety. The simple act of getting on a stationary bike and spinning now frames my day and provides me perspective. The positivity and energy from other spinners have changed my outlook on life. I recognize the need I have for balance in my life. Spinning has given me the ability to now take one day at a time. I can be in the moment and my moments are manageable.  So just like me, Soulcycle can be an outlet for you whether it’s for the rest of your life or just to help you through the struggles of being a college student.  

Overall, Soul Cycle is a “feel good” type of place. You can use it as a way to be social and hang out with friends, or even get involved in our community. I personally think riding with a friend is completely different than riding in a class where you know no one. I am so motivated by my friend’s strength when they are doing it with me. There are so many groups including Greek life and sports teams that attend Soulcycle together and it’s a great way to get involved. However, I encourage you to go alone. It is an entirely different experience. There is no competition other than yourself. You are your biggest fan and you should cheer yourself on! Trust me, I know when you hear Soulcycle you think it is just the “hip” and “cool” thing to do. But I challenge you to take it seriously and absorb what it has to offer. Listen to what the instructors have to say because it can allow you to clear your mind, even if it is only for the 45 minutes of class. As college students, we put a tremendous amount of stress on ourselves to do it all, and do it well. So, give yourself 45 minutes to not think and stress about anything inside those four walls. 

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Soulcycle does not only consist of a high intensity cardio workout, but also includes a 3-minute silent stretch and motivating instructors. The instructor is usually the deciding factor of if a person enjoys Soulcycle their first time around or not. Instructors at Soulcycle are inspirational and trained to be motivating for their riders. For example, the quote I spoke about in my story, “Don’t quit before the miracle happens” is a quote that I heard by a Soulcycle instructor, Zack Held, during class six years ago which has since then stuck with me. What you learn during Soulcycle classes are things that you take with you when you walk outside the studio as well. Soulcycle instructors speak about real life problems and give you the determination and motivation to be able to positively work through them. A quote that Soulcycle instructors constantly use is, “Walk out of this studio a stronger person than you walked in”. This not only motivates you to work hard during the workout, but reminds you to give yourself something that you’ve been lacking outside of the studio as well. 

A huge part of college is discovering who you are. Without Soulcycle, I would not have been able to find my true self because I was drowning in all the stress that life throws at you. Soulcycle gives you a chance to stay afloat and realize things about yourself that you would have never discovered before. So go, give it a shot. Try something new. 

Ardmore, PA Instructor Recommendations: Ryan Lewis, Lauren Stevis

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