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Making the Most out of Midterm and Final Studying

Making the Most out of Midterm and Final Studying

By Lauren Brady

Maybe it’s just me, but it felt like the month of September went by in the blink of an eye. Now that we’re in the midst of midterm week, we are much more susceptible to stress now than any other time in the semester. Even if you’re late to the midterm prepping game, here are some tips that will surely make this period more productive and manageable.

1. Plan ahead!

I’m that girl who organizes her planner for each class at the beginning of the semester, highlighting when my exams are and when my papers are due, penciling in all assignments. While this does take some time to finish, it is definitely worth it. I find that constantly referring to the syllabi after each session to find out what the homework is to be an inconvenience. Also, when club meetings and other events pop up during the semester, it is much easier to manage your time when you know what you have to focus on when. During midterms and finals week, I even make a list of what I need to accomplish that week and how much time I need or will devote to it. 

2. Read your notes daily

This was something my mom reiterated to me in high school, but, unfortunately, I didn’t notice the benefits of doing so until I came to Villanova. Just like playing a sport or an instrument, doing things in repetition will help you remember information and movements easier. After each class or before I go to bed, I spend around 5-10 minutes reading over notes I took that day to refresh my memory and to keep the information fresh in my brain. This will make your life much easier when recalling information you’ve been familiar with for so long the day before the exam. 

3. Outline outline, outline!

Creating an outline the week before the exam can be a really effective tool for studying. In addition to the daily note reading, taking the time to physically write your notes out and make a conscious effort to remember what you have written down makes a big difference. While typing an outline is a faster and easier method, I find that I type unconsciously and breeze over information on the screen. To make the process more fun, I use highlighters and colored pens and put some music on in the background.

4. Prioritize...

When the going gets tough, it’s easy to retreat from what you need to immediately confront. You might start watching more TV, getting an extended lunch with friends, or moseying around on a Saturday doing absolutely nothing. This can easily be avoided by planning ahead! If you know that you have outlining, studying, and other important things to do, you’ll get a pass if you say no to your friend to go out to eat. Especially since midterms are right before fall break, use the week off as an incentive to devote as much time as you can to your school work. 

5. ...But Rest

No one can spend every waking minute of their day doing school work. It is key to incorporate your normal routine into your study routine to create a healthy balance. Whether it’s a workout class or making a nice meal for yourself, these are beneficial breaks that you can take in between classes and studying. Also, adequate sleep is crucial during exams week. Don’t stay up until the late hours of the night rereading your entire textbook. I could drink as much coffee as I could possibly consume, but I still won’t feel as alert as I would with a solid night’s sleep (ex: 7-8 hours).

With these tips, your week before break will be much more manageable and you’ll go home feeling ready for the next half of the semester.

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